Yeah, I know, its like the 2nd or 3rd mission and I'm asking for help. So anyway, I just installed the game and I've been playing through the first few missions. There is an achievement on Outlaws that requires you to destroy their base in less than 10 minutes in Hard mode (I'm playing in Brutal for fun, but that shouldn't matter). After failing to get this achievement a couple of times, I pulled out a stopwatch and timed myself. I found something interesting: the game keeps claiming it takes me slightly over 10 minutes to complete the objective.....but my stopwatch clearly shows I complete the mission several minutes early. This even includes accounting for the cinematic at the end....which probably doesn't count, but my point is I'm WELL under 10 minutes. Is this some sort of 'trick' achievement....or is there a bug in the game? Anyone know?
I have a feeling that it may be going by game time. If you have it set to faster your probably going to have to do it faster. Game time is not equal to time IRL