
Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by kuvasz, Jul 27, 2008.


Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by kuvasz, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    I’ve started this thread to share my ideas on the server-side and client-side options that are related to the gameplay experience, and at the same time have a place where other people can give their ideas on the topic, be it new options, hard-coding options or moving them from server to client or vice versa.

    To begin with, I’ll summarise in my own words the two main concepts used here.

    Server-side option
    The option can only be set by a (remote) administrator and the settings apply to the server itself. This means that all the clients joined to the server will operate with the exact same rules.

    Client-side option
    The option is set in the game options and only applies to the client. These options are not regulated by and do not apply to the host (be it local or remote), these settings only affect gameplay on the individual client.

    Here is how I’d like to see officially confirmed features classed, and I’ve also added a few of my own ideas.

    Server-side options (to ensure fair play and to preserve the possibility to create hardcore (i.e., SC styled) games)
    • Idle worker button
    • Multiple building selection
    • Mineral auto-split: Only one worker heads to the designated mineral field, other workers gather from different fields instead of waiting for the field to become vacant.
    • Rally-gathering: The ability to have workers automatically start gathering when the rally point is set on a mineral field or gas processing building.
    • Classic mini-map: Ability to toggle between the new (Warcraft III) and the old (Starcraft) way of displaying the map in the bottom-left corner. Possible option to toggle the update frequency as well.
    • Depletion notification: Players would get a notification of when one of their gas or mineral gather areas deplete. Could be toggled between on/gas/mineral/off.
    • Group selection: Sets the maximum number of units allowed in a group, toggled between 12/120/240.

    Client-side options (to cater for personal preferences some players (e.g., professionals) might have)
    • Reduced messages: The idea is to allow players to reduce messages automatically given by the game in cases of insufficient supply, missing resources, unsuccessful constructions, as well as battle notifications. I’m thinking removing the text message and having a much shorter but still distinct audio played when needed. This would be convenient for experienced players because it would remove unnecessary visual and sound clutter from the game.
    • Reduced information: Mouse-over texts such as resource and energy costs, damage and defence attributes could be turned off to reduce unnecessary visual clutter for the experienced player. I know hotkeys are preferred but the cursor does wander over buttons sometimes :D

    These are options that I think would be widely used and would give SCII that little extra when it came to customisation, an aspect which will in my opinion play an increasingly large role in producing high quality games in the future. These options would also greatly widen the userbase by catering for both hardcore players (less help results in more skill) as well as casual ‘clickers’.

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Is it possible too to modify the graphic parameters. A player would lag a lot if he doesn't reduce the graphism of the game this option should be added, and even once a player enters battle.net the graphism is automatically adapted to the power of the computer (of the player) and the connection power.
  3. Simbob

    Simbob New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    This auto adjust graphics isn't the best, IMO. My computer always automaticly sets games to a setting lower than what it can handle. I find this frustrating. So everygame I run for the first time has to have its graphics put up a little. If I could never run SC2 in full graphics because my computer auto puts them down, I would be devestated.

    Also, I don't think graphics make your connection slower. All it does is make you lag heaps. :D
  4. AngelLestat

    AngelLestat New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    The game controls

    This are my ideas:

    About the control game, i dont know how is the actual control mode of SC2. But it will be nice have an alternative visualitation mode that we can swicht, that shows all the units selection in grups by kind of unit.
    For example, we got 8 ghost, 4 marines and 2 tanks. We can see 3 icons, one with ghost with a little number (8), other icon for marines and other for tanks. When one icon is selected, we can see the abilities of that grup, so if we press the sniper abilitie from the ghost grups, only one ghost of that grup cast the abilitie, and if we press again the abilitie the next ghost with the abilitie enable shots, but no all the ghost!
    And with tab you change between kind of units. This mode can be very usefull to control a great quantity of army.


    To improve a less lost of time in the new vespen gas mechanic, it can be an auto execute abilitie like in W3 that we can press with the right botton. So this way if we want more gas always for minerals, we dont need to press every 45 sec in each vespen gas. And if we want, we can desactivate the auto execution of this abilitie.
    So on this way, we can concentrate more in the strategy and units, instead loose time in the production.

    Sorry my english level :(
  5. HatoXanadu

    HatoXanadu New Member

    Jul 19, 2008
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    I'm glad to see that we can finally hold more than 12 units in a group. That's exactly why I love Command and Conquer so much, it's easy to micro a ton of units, cause you can have as many as you want in one group :)

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    There was also another game that was very excellent for controlling ùmass units. That was HOMEWORLD 2, a game with wars in space between ships and vessels.

    You had a mother ship, with a lot of little vessels and big ships. To control them all once you had just to zoom down, and select them all.

    Then on the command panel below you had all the icons of the units. But for instance when you had 10 corvets you had the icon of the corvet with the number 10 below it.

    That would be cool to have that with starcraft 2. For instance you have 40 marines, 30 ghosts, 50 tanks, 10 battlecruisers, 5 nomads, 60 vikings, .... and you want to select them all. It should be possible

    So on the command panel we know there should be an icon of ONE marine with the number 40, an icon of the ghost with the number 30, an icon of the tank with the number 50, etc ....

    It is more potent to control more units like that.
  7. VodkaChill

    VodkaChill New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    I am really not happy to be against your idea Kuvasz but here we go.

    I am against the idea of options in the games. The beauty of SC1 was that every game was the same no matter what Melee/TVB/Freeforall you played. No options no nothing. If you start making options it will
    1- make the game longer to create to set your settings correctly
    2- make the joining player need to look thought the rules, see which options are on or off. If they don't like the game with his preferred options he'll leave.

    Having one standard game with no options whatsoever, will make the community play exactly the same type of game. This will bring a stronger community.

    I think this is the first time I will go forward whit this ''Micro/Macro War'' thing.

    Everyone will find their challenges. They will be different than in SC1 since it is not the same game. If players can't Muta dance in SC2 , they will find other weird stuff to do with other units. Same goes for auto-mine, idle worker, if those are easier, micro in battles will be a lot more ferocious part of the game. People WILL exploit that game to its limit, no matter on what unseen side they will discover in this new game.

    We need to stop thinking like this game will be played with the same minding than SC1. People should start thinking SC2.
  8. AngelLestat

    AngelLestat New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    There are much people that really want better controls, and there are many that they want the old controls.

    I think that the only solution, is when you create the map or game, you can choose what mode will use, with tab and grups controls. Or selecting one by one. So both that play the map, they will play with the same controls.

    And everybody happy.
  9. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Why? :) Differing opinions spark discussion.

    I'm aware that an overwhelming number of options would sort of split the community but I'm willing to sacrifice the unity of the players for the sake of having a game with more replayability and flexibility to suit everyone's taste. Besides, in the end there'd be very few variations that would spread and become 'standard' gameplay settings, almost as if they were hard-coded - the difference is that even if certain settings do become almost default in the community, the choice is still there to lark about or just play something different.
  10. JacobBlair1

    JacobBlair1 New Member

    Jul 23, 2008
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    graphics cost alot so take that into consideration
  11. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Graphics only have an indirect impact on latency. If the FPS drops below ~15 then the huge load on the system can cause multiplayer lag because the computer doesn't have the time or resources to cotinuously send net packets and so misses to send a few.

    It is every game owner's responsibility to set graphics settings they can handle even when the screen gets crowded with units/effects/whatever, including the host's if it's a non-dedicated server. Also take into consideration that people have varying systems and if only the person with a slow computer can host then the really fast client that would like to join the server shouldn't be forced to use dumbed down graphics.

    I'm strongly against server-side graphics settings.
  12. VodkaChill

    VodkaChill New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    Because usualy we share the same opinion.

    I think options is an easy way out for Blizzard to satisfy everyone with everything. I know that like in W3, some settings got into default for every game at some point and (if implemented) it will also in SC2. It just feels like the DEV team was not able to choose on their own how the game should be played. Let the whiners (players) decide what they want to play.

    It feals like the NFL NBA or the NHL decides that the next season, you can play each game with a different sets of rules that you liked. It feals less professional doesn't it? Since SC is in multiple way a professional sport I think they should respect themselfs and set those rules to play.

    There would not be anyone saying:
    NHL : If we would have played with the rule to score with our hands, I would have won.
    W3 : If we would have played with a starting hero, I would have won.
    SC2 : If we would have played with Revealed map (with Fog of war on, like W3 default), I would have won.

    I understand the need for options for this game, but IMO it would change the way community enjoys the game and how other gamers respects the game. (Sadly I cannot prove that ;))