Opponent match-ups

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by TerranRush, Aug 23, 2010.

Opponent match-ups

  1. TerranRush

    TerranRush Guest

    Does anyone know how the match-up engine works? I'm curious how it determines who's 'favored' prior to the match up on the loading screen. Maybe it's simply a coincidence when I notice it, but I seem to win most of the games where I'm NOT favored, and lose the games where I am favored.

    I'm also curious to know which leagues it pulls opponents from. I'm in diamond 3v3, and I ask which leagues people are in during games, and it varies from silver to diamond.

    I'm assuming it picks opponents based primarily off the most recent wins regardless of league.

    I also notice that sometimes it will pair me up with another diamond, and a noob player vs 3 medium skill players (based on micro and macro) and we'll dominate, yet it will say THEY were favored to win.

    Any clarification?