Hey... quick question, I recently bought the new Macbook Pro and was curious how it runs Starcaft II. Also, I dont have the funds to buy a mouse from apple so was mostly wondering how gameplay is using the track pad? Like, is it hard to get used to?
Buy a 3rd party mouse? You can get them for like 20 bucks, less online. Also, even though games are made for Macs doesn't mean Macs are made for games. Juss sayin.
Even the cheapest mouse out there will give you a better experience than playing on a trackpad. No need to go for an expensive Apple mouse, you can get a reliable, no-frills optical mouse for less than 10$, shipped. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826129049
They certainly imply it, but there's thousands of Mac-certified products. In some cases, you do have to go to the webpage of the manufacturer of the peripheral and specifically download the Mac driver, but most things do work with Macs.
default drivers should work for any mouse with 2 buttons + scroll wheel. not sure how well it'll recognize a good 5-button mouse though. =D
I'm ran starcraft 2 beta on my 15.6 inch mac book pro. I think the specs are a bit higher than the 13 inch, but in low graphics you should be fine. As for a mouse, why bother dropping $60 on an apple mouse when most mouses have a usb connector that will work on your mac book for, oh... $50 less
I have a 13 inch aluminum Macbook (got it before the name was changed to Macbook Pro), so my computer has basically the same specs. As long as you are running the game on low you'll almost never encounter lag (unless your internet connection is laggy), but if you go into custom games where you just spam huge amounts of units and throw them at each other, then you'll start to get some lag issues. But I've never had any serious lag (I played during the beta by the way). But seriously, playing an RTS with a trackpad is basically impossible. Just get any old USB mouse and you will be much, much better off.