Bit of a silly question here but I missed the opening cinematic. Interestingly enough this game thankfully skips the cinematics after the first time, normally i'd love this but since I missed the first run I'm just curious... how can I re-view the opening cinematic>?
Not sure about while still in Mar Sara, but once you make it on the Spaceship, there is an Archive computer to play old missions, and view old replays. The Opening Cinematic is the first one there.
This problem annoyed me so much I logged all file accesses by Starcraft using Filemon to find out where it stores the settings so I could watch the damn video. A quick way to get the intro video back is to delete the following file: C:\Users\YOUR_WINDOWS_USERNAME\Documents\StarCraft II\Variables.txt This works on Win7 64bit. If you're bored you can try to find out which setting variable sets this video.
does it auto-skip if you click? i'll have to be careful if it does... i'll be really twitchy once i install the game.