Long story short, I had a succesful early expansion and defend the first two rushes. However, I can never make enough army (regardless of what units i used) to overpower the OP terran's MMM combo defense of course. Nevertheless i lost the game after he catchup in econ too. As a platinum random player i think I am unbiased to say terran is OP especially against zerg match up. I can already see the flame coming so bring it on. Before you trash me, I suggest you look at the following points before you speak. "you did not micro your unit enough", oh please, the other player is much worse that my baneling always gets them. I deserve the win in the micro game "you didn't had enough worker on the exp" If I did, I'd lose the expan for unable to defend the first 2 wave with lings and bane. "you are piling money in late game" Not that I want to but I can't spend them fast enough! I am always short on larve even with queen constantly refreshing, No matter how fast I make units it will never be faster than terran who easily pump up another army by the time i get there. Terran is OP, admit it. :dull:
Let me make sure I understand this correctly. Because you lost one (1) game against a terran player who used a common strategy with multiple counters, the entire race is overpowered?
i wish people would stop complaing about terran, i dont play them, And i probly lose 60%+ of games agasint them, but there are counters, I will sympethize with you due to the fact that zerg atm does have its share of problems, but so do toss which i play, Atleast you have T1 units that wont get lol'd at by a bio ball, i wont watch the replace as i pretty much can guess what he did, But you wont find much sympthy as alot of people are playing terran atm.
You sacrificed a huge amount of zerglings by spliting them up with your banelings. You had 1500-2000 minerals and gas sitting around doing nothing for most of the game. Your mutalisks weren't hitting their mineral lines which were unprotected and you didn't get an overseer (That i saw) to keep tabs on them. If they are going bio you can't sit back and wait for them to control the map. Burrow would've helped alot too.
Try make the banelings and zerglings arrive at the same time, instead of sending speedlings in before. Try to get lair before, you really cant expect to survive 10 minutes with hatchery tech.
Well there a few things that stike me as way you could have turned that game. 1) Upgrades. By the end of your game, your foes marines were level 2 in wepeons and armour. Your troups were still basic, dispite you having more resources than you could spend! 2) Early spine crawlers. Back them up with a few zerglings and you make it very costly to attack your front door ..... least till the midgame anyway. 3) A second hatchery in your main base. Doubles output of soilders, if you have minerals to burn.....then there more dumb things to do. 4) Harasament. Big mmm come towards your base looking scary, attack team of 4 infestors summon a small army on his lightly protocted/undefeded front door. Sudenly the terrans player got to make a hard choice, defend his base or fight you. The really great thing is after you bought the infestors, you don't even need to spend any more resources to constantly keep your oppoment big mmm ball running back and forth, you just need to avoid detection Speedlings can do a simlar job too, just create 14 of them in a outerhive and send them running to his base as soon as his army a fair distence away. Cause the terran player serous headaches.
Well this is a good tip, definitely should do that, but after the first zergling wave he will just siege a tank or two in his base. How should one use burrowed roaches against siege tanks? Tried it in a game, but lost, and I think that's because I unburrowed them all at once in front of the tanks. Should I unburrow them one at a time to make the tanks shoot themselves? And does the splash damage apply even to burrowed units? I guess so, huh.
New bases are unlikely to have seige tank defenders. However If you can encorage him to 'tank up' and start leaving troups guarding his bases, you've already achived a small victory. Paranoid defence weakens a player ablity to attack. Meaning that your own bases are better protected and you can build up stronger forces. I'm prety sure splash damage effect burrowed units, detected or not. But I also know seige tanks have a min range and can cause "friendly fire" incadents. Abuse this!
It's a little easier for Toss to take out early MMM waves as long as you have one or two upgrades with blink. Ya... have to play twice as hard on mircoing than Terran. For Zerg, good luck. ultralist won't make it in time. Kind of forces Zerg players to play heavy base D and wait for counter. Some hydra with speed lings and banelings should equal out MMM.
Game over man, game over. Thanks for blowing your credibility in the post, so I didn't have to bother with the replay.
Lol im silver player and im suprised that you don't get a second or third hatchery in your main base, add a queen to them hatcherys and you won't have to worry about lack of larvae
I'm platinum and I still need to implement more hatcheries in my base as standard. There are so many small things one must get used to and remember at all times, even suspense ones.
Ill admit that terran definatly have some op issues, but you just didnt play that well. He was on one base for most of the game and easily could have been taken out with a few well placed nydus worms. You werent nearly as aggressive as you needed to be and as zerg that is something you have to be is aggressive. Burrow wouldve been helpful too. you couldve ambushed him as he came by with banelings. Also roaches wouldve been perfect with the banelings and zerglings. Hydras are really a bad counter against terran, they just kinda melt away. Also a few extra hatcheries wouldve been the best thing to do. And then the raging at the end was kinda low classed. you say your a platinum player but you rage like a bronze. Overall, just scout and attack more often.
at first I thought you might have a worthwhile statement. Then I watched your replay. Your sorry *** is a disgrace to the zerg race and give them a bad name. How DARE you say anything is OP when you are sitting on THREE THOUSAND GAS. that is THIRTY MUTALISKS you could have gotten. now stfu and learn to play. and constant larvae spewing? bs. do I think terran is easier to use than zerg, and more powerful for their money? yes, but your replay is not an example. this replay is you being a noob and blaming it on the race. I could have won this particular match if I took over for you half way through. You should have gotten ultras after you got your hive. what the hell did you get a hive for if you weren't gonna tech with it? no ways to spend money my ***. ultra cavern, heck, you could have gotten 3 evos for 3 upgrades at once. no brood lords either? come on.
I just watched the replay and have a few comments on it too: No, you don't. When you send your zerglings in first and after most are dead you follow up to mop with banelings that's not good micro even for bronze level standards. It's quite apparent that the best tactic is to send them together for 2 reasons: i) If banelings go first and zerglings follow then lots of banelings will die prematurely and you'll lose the aoe damage. ii)If zerglings go first then they will die and a suicide unit can't really win you any fight by its own. You won't get momentum, in the best of cases you'll kill all enemy units and have 1-2 banelings left which are unable to counterattack in any way(other than harass a little bit on say a mineral line) So if you combine i and ii you get that the best way is to send them all in together. That way zerglings will tank part of the damage but banelings will arrive in time to cause massive damage, and then you're left with a crippled enemy army and your zerglings to mop it up and then counterattack to add pressure. Actually your worker count was pretty fine. Considering the amount of resources you spent, that is. The sick pile of minerals/gas you accumulated is not as shocking as is the fact that you had larvae standing morphing into nothing here and there all the time. Your top colony had 7 larvae sitting around for like 4 minutes till it got wiped clean by the enemy bioball. Those could have been 7 ultralisks considering your money count. 1) You had an evo chamber that never researched anything 2) You had a spire that never researched anything 3)You had larvae sitting around in your colonies and not morphing into anything for a very big part of the game(which contradicts with what you say. I'd say watch your own replays before making claims publicly about them) 4)You did not make an extra hatchery for seemingly no reason. It costs merely 300 minerals and works like any assortment of 3 terran barracks/factories/starports 3 barracks cost 450minerals, 3 factories or ports cost additional gas too. 1 queen gives you 1 larva every 10 seconds which is effectively 1 unit every 10 seconds. Really bad play there imo. Yes, Terran is OP, but that's never an excuse to playing badly against terran. I see it a lot on many games. When word leaks of something being OP there's a group of games who don't bother trying against said "OP" race/class/spec/whatever. You played badly there. Much worse than your opponent. Understand this and try to improve yourself. If you had a match where you lost while you did play better, then you could say "Damn, I did pretty well in this one, but that was some OP **** there!" Which would be better completed with "but if I did this differently then I might have found a way round that OP mechanic by outplaying my opponent! Next time I'll try it". Review the replay yourself and notice how your opponent keeps his buildings building stuff while you have much more time without doing so with your larvae or without creating a hatchery for more larvae to use. One last thing I'd like to point: Upgrades: It might seem that 1 less damage taken from 1 piece of armor isn't a big deal, especially on an individual 1unit vs 1 unit basis, but let's take an example: 1 ling needs 6 shots from a marine to die. Those 6 shots will overkill it by 1 point of damage. Adding 1 lvl armor will make it take exactly 7 shots to die with 0 damage as overkill. If you get that to lvl 3 your ling will need 12 shots to die! So upgrading your ling's armor only makes your lings 2 times as hard to kill. What this boils down to is that when you attack with a mass of lings/banelings against the enemy bio-ball upgrades will make a huge difference, especially in how many of your melee units manage to reach the target to deliver that damage when talking armor upgrades. If only you would have spent those 675 minerals/675 gas for lvl 3 armor then in all 4 of your bio vs ling encounters you'd have ended up winner with spare units to launch a counter-attack for some momentum. I'm not talking about sick micro or way increased buildings/army. Just 3 simple upgrades would have been enough to turn the tide at your side up to late game. Yet you did not do them for no reason. Really, you had all those minerals and thought "Damn, no larvae to use those money" and instead of facing your problem and creating more hatcheries/queens, you didn't even bother to dump those funds into upgrades. If that isn't bad play, I can't think of something that is. Also: 1 marauder takes 32(!) hits from a 0/0 ling to die but 18 from a 3/0 ling. 3/3 lings would do about double damage against the enemy and take about half. Which would net your army at 4x effectiveness for a net sum of 1500 minerals/1350 gas(added 150 minerals for a second evo chamber for convenience, you had the money anyway) Just a note: I'm a sucky player myself. When I watch my replays I'm thinking things like "omg! why did I do/didn't do that?" "doh, I really sucked there, should fix it next time" and most next times half of these stuff are not fixed, but some of them are, some more turn on etc. But if you don't realise it when you are not good at something then natually you consider yourself that you are good and you don't really strive to become better. Also posting videos showing you sucking(it's true, we all suck at times) and telling your opponent that they won cause their race is OP when they clearly played better, and then claim that you were better and should have won were it not for some OP strategy(which mmm isn't really, it's quite counterable by all 3 races(3 ravens can shoot 3 missiles in it and decimate everything, 3 infestors can throw that aoe thingie and while spawning infested marrines and can even mind control the medvacs and heal your army instead of the enemy. 3 templars can psi storm the troops and feedback the vacs. In all 3 situations a small part of your army is enough to go in and clear what's left up) just because you heared terran are OP so anything that's got to do with them should be OP, is at minimum a rude thing to do. A little sportsmanship never hurt anyone.
so first i want to make this clear this forum is for being better not for whining about how you didnt win and that obviously the other guy is useing a race that is better cause thats just bull****. he did not micro harder than you but he macroed harder. many time you didnt use queen and when you did you built zerglings which cost nothing. you built no meat at all (roaches) you could have had so many mutas with the gas you had but you used it all on zerglings this lack of ballence is what caused you to lose ( also dont expand if you have that kind of money bvuild a hatch in you base if you want more larva thats ok too) the key here is to learn from your mistake and build less lings and get some stronger things that cost more cause you have the money ( also you didnt upgrade he did) if you dont have the money buy lings. also terran is not overpowered they just have a well known strat that works ok against alot of stuff and is easy to use zerg are very powerful but much more difficult to use there streangth is in numbers and mobility which you didnt use at all, you never once used mutas for anything but a head on attack which is stupid as they are very weak at that sort of thing. and if you dont want to learn from your mistakes go play some other game and leave the strat forums to those who want to improve