worst case scenario: Tuesday will come... we wait... nothing happens... wednesday... we wait... an announcement, detailing some sort of delay. battlenet will go online tomorrow at 6pm. thursday... 6pm comes and goes... 7pm... 7:30pm it goes online... but the patch client hangs at 80% friday... an announcement was made in the night "a few people are having problems with the patch client. It will be fixed in a few hours." ...
I keep telling myself that it's actually one day less because of the midnight release, and with my unusual sleeping hours it's more like 2 days. I'm so excited ^^
In all likelihood I'll end up getting SC2 as a birthday gift, so I'll be playing about a week after everyone else. I suppose that's the trade-off I get for being in the beta
i might get a decent pc(well, still pay half myself) for my b-day, so maybe i can play from september 28th onward
I can't wait.. To play StarCraft: Brood War. That's all I'll be playing for a bit, trying to finish up several massive personal projects. Reminisce about the good old times...