ARGRHRRGHHGRHGRHGHRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111one!!! Now that that's out of the way, on to my next point. I want to play Bioshock 2, for which I apparently need a Windows Live acc. Okaayy... this sucks but what the hell. I follow the instructions to make one, which opens a browser window with something Xbox related telling me that page doesn't exist *facepalm* I get around this going to and making an acc. One patch later I try again and turns out I also need a gamer tag on this or something. Another broken link. Another facepalm. Now I'm stuck because I don't see anywhere in my Live acc an option to add such tag and their help doesn't mention anything either. Maybe it's there, but it just hates Meee, I dunno. Halp plox?
Yo bro.. I'm going to fill you in on a bad tidbit of information... You just wasted however much you paid for Bioshock 2 for PC. I made the same mistake and bought HALO 2 for PC way back when it came out because I played HALO 1 for PC like a ***** and was damn good at it. The Live crap didn't work, spent probably close to six hours trying to figure it out and could never actually do it. The bigger bad news is you can't return opened computer games... I don't know why they don't make it user friendly because people buy them and it would just be more money for them but they refuse to make it user friendly or make it work in general. Maybe someone cracked the code though, I'd youtube it to be honest. Chances are if it was found out someone made a video for a walk through and sh*t. Good luck bro. =/ I've been there.
This. From what I've gathered yesterday before giving up, the main issue is that Live isn't supported in Poland. There were even campaigns and counter campaigns about it regarding Xbox, I just had no idea there's this sort of crap going on with PC games too. Long story short they want us to buy their games while cutting half or more of the content by not letting us use Live and therefore play multiplayer among other things. The only way to use it was to register an account for a different country, like England for instance, where Live works. But hey, a friend says it's actually supposed to be made available on 10th Nov, so I'll look into that, wait few days and try for a workaround if it doesn't. @Takaim, It's not really open since I got it through Steam, which makes it even more of a b**t
wtf is a b**t? Also, Bioshock 2 on console with an obscenely large TV is way better than on PC. I'm sorry your experience with this absolutely marvelous piece of art was tainted by the corrupt soul that is Bill Gates. On another note, Bioshock was still better than Bioshock 2.
A-HA! Victory! Took 'em a while (5 years I hear?), but we finally have Live here as well. Now to hope it doesn't start crashing the game, delete saves and curse my blood for three generations
don't worry, your great-great-granddaughter will once have gotten in an argument with a traditionalist Chinese, so it's already cursed for the next three as well as the previous fourteen generations.