Because they got some of the most standard things wrong. - demographics: usually 'fun for the whole family'. Often slips into 'young males'. Some episodes are suddenly 'children between 6 and 10'. - Genre: You'd think science fiction and space opera, but apparently they sometimes forget this. Say hello to victorian era romance stories and lousy comedy rip-offs - Characterization: go to the store, buy a bottle of vodka. Take a sip every time a character description is accurate to what is portrayed on screen. Return unopened bottle to the store - Show, don't tell: Gee I wonder those beautiful cities (which were beautiful), which were described as beautiful, looked. How about the fantastic intelligence of Harry Kim, whose only use in the series was to have his theories denied? - Predictable: really egregious in voyager. Of course they are not gonna get home in a random mid-season episode! - Just thinking something through: Humans initiate first contact for the first time: 'Hi, advanced alien species, this weak ship is the only defense earth has. Let me send you its coordinates' I'm not kidding, that is actually the way the enterprise contacts the first ship they meet. - Just thinking a story element through: 'So, we're going to have these villains, see. They are the main enemy of Earth's most advanced starship. Only, their gimmick is that they are primitive idiots. They have space flight and matter-antimatter reaction, but a water shortage. Their prisons consist of a line on the ground. Despite living on a starship, none of them are adapt at technology. In fact, they are so stupid the borg don't want them.' If this sounds like a credible threat to you, you can be a star trek director. Or a nice example from enterprise: 'So there is this mysterious villain from the future. He is so mysterious he doesn't even have a name. He just appears. And he has a plan!' 'So what is his plan?' 'not sure yet'. Four years later, after the show was cancelled: The guy still does not have a plan nor a name.
ooh, forgot two: running gags that make no sense: I'm sorry, but Harry Kim dying twice every season is just bull. And Hoshi being afraid of adventuring just gets annoying after a few episodes. jobs, what jobs: The captain and first officer going on routine patrol together. The pilot always being called on for engineering (instead of, say, someone from engineering). The cook going on deep-space exploration.
B star trek ftw. TNG was almost tooo serious at times. Its nice to see all the funny crap in voyager.
Drie, I have nvr watched Star Trek. What do you mean by the Human's first contact with zliens being that message? Can you tell me exactly what happens plz?
Star Trek Enterprise (the prequel series), the second episode. After meeting an unknown species, starship enterprise initiates first contact for the first time: We're but a new species in this galaxy, but we like to make friends. This is our first warp-5 vessel, the enterprise, and I am its captain, Johnatan Archer. Let me just send you the coordinates of earth. something to that extent at least.