See these images: Special thanks to Scorpio 19 from StarCraft Legacy for finding these. They seem to have been scanned from a magazine, or maybe from some material from the recent event. Note that there's no guarantee Nova will be in StarCraft II, but it's looking more and more like it. More supporting evidence: Original source video, around 0:55 mark. Link:
Anyway, I don't see how there's so much loyalty towards Nova already. She was in a single, terrible, outdated and unreleased StarCraft game. Unless people are just looking forwards to her spandex, I don't see how she has any more support than Tosh.
Yea she was the main character from Starcraft: Ghost and no it wasn't a fps, it is more a stealth third person action game similar to Metal Gear Solid and Splinter Cell. You can't really say the game was terrible or outdated because it was never released and it was in production way before World of Warcraft because I remember following the game when it was first announced and it look pretty cool to me. I don't see how seeing an image of her from a scan is proof she will be in the game at all. Especially we've heard nothing of her from Blizzard about being the game, its all just a guess but I agree its a possibility and I would like to see a female heroine be it nova or not in the game.
'You can't really say the game was terrible or outdated because it was never released' - You can say that the game was terrible because it was never released. Anyways I can see her being in the game as a side character and a little easter egg for all those non-existing Starcraft: Ghost fans.
didnt they hint that she may play a role i dont see why she cant be in the game and the same time i can see why there's no point in her being the game
I think it would be cool to have her as when of the heroes you can play with in the campaign. Maybe have an optional level in the game where you play as her through a mission or something.
You figure Blizzard went through a fair amount of dollars writing her story for a game that never made it. I wouldn't be shocked to see her in SC2. Couldn't care less though... Unless there's a hot sex scene between her and Raynor, till Kerrigan walks in on them.
To my eyes those are pictures of the in-game story mode models, not some artwork. So to me it's proof of her appearance. Besides, why would they not want to use her as a character? The fact that she works for Arcturus makes it so much better.
Didn't you mean: Hell, it's about time I concur that StarCraft could use a strong female protagonist, and Nova *may* be more than the cliched male fantasy she's always come across as. However, the dialogue and characterisation that I've seen for SCII simply does not fuel my hope.
Raynor hates Kerrigan now. But he probably still thinks she's hot, so lots of FoeYay. As for Nova: 1) She's almost emotionless after the mindwipe. 2) She can read Raynor's every fantasy. 3a) She's brainwashed into being a tool of the Dominion, so she'd kill Raynor as soon as she saw him. 3b) She's smart enough to cloak. 3c) She can kill people by thinking them to death, and unlike Kerrigan, her emotions wouldn't stop her from doing so. 3d) See 2. 4) She's half Raynor's age. 5) Raynor's new girlfriend is Ariel Hanson. Do want!
Doctor! Doctor i've got an emergency.............. in my pants *chessy porno music* haha, but seriously blizzard has put alot of time a effort into Nova' s character and it'll be ashame if she wasnt used, maybe she can be a bad guy (chick), coz she is a Dominion operative and all. Plus, i always thought that it was her in the background of this image with Mengsk