So how're things going here? Is anyone I know still here? Just thought I might as well give you guys a bit of an update, seeing as I vanished before the game came out... As far as StarCraft2 goes, it sorta fizzled for me. Not in the sense that I didn't like the game... More in the sense that I'm away from home with a very limited internet connection and a laptop that enjoys overheating when running any sort of high performance program. Needless to say, I very much enjoyed the campaign, except for the whole thing about giving all Zerg fans a massive middle finger when Raynor *spoilers* completed the Wings of Liberty campaign... So... Yeah. Ultimately it was quite an anti-climax after I spent so long debating aspects of the game for weeks at a time and rising through the ranks of the greatest StarCraft2 forum to become a global moderator, to not get anywhere with the game itself. Anyway! While I do try to visit every-so-often, I did come here for a reason. I figured, on the assumption that most of the old gang are still here, there are a fair few people here I'd want to share my new site with. I'm halfway through an illustration course at uni, and it's basically it's a site dedicated to the work I'm doing there. There's no advertising or profiteering, so it's purely for anyone who's interested in checking it out... Also, as if to seal the deal, you can finally see what I actually look like! No more pranks involving snow-gear concealing photos or caricatures! A single, unobstructed, kinda small profile picture. Now who could resist that?
Aww, was so clos.. I mean, HI THERE HOW YA BEEN?! I hope you still have that spot for meee in case of protoss inavsion?
Doodle 12 seems like a wicked emblem. Welcome b- wait you're not back so GTFO. Not that I blame you. Greatest SC2 site? You're living in the past, son.
Has the site seriously gone that far downhill? I might have to try and stick around, just to finish it off. And you're not too far off, Meee! You've actually pretty much just described a project we've started. Basically I'll just be doing whatever work I can get my hands on.. Be it dinosaurs, fossils, plants, concept art... Speaking of which, I may even attempt a couple of StarCraft-themed digital sketches in the not too distant future. I've been pretty good. Lots of uni work, heaps of driving, and looking for a job. Not an actual job... Just a while-I'm-at-uni job. Though I will be working for a client this semester... Lastly, I'm not too sure about that spot any more, Meee. You might end up in Malaysia if you try and claim it, hahaha. And while I'm aware that no-one but a politically-oriented Australian would understand that joke, I still somehow felt obliged to make it.
Well the sc2 stuff seems pretty active, but I can't play sc2 so I don't go in there yet so as not to spoil my fun. However when I am able I will be a post engine like normal. But mostly right now I'm here for just a few ppl. Ijffdrie being the most interesting of them. Can't beleive I actually said that! lol
Haha, don't fret! I can understand why that would be. I saw he had a new and improved display pic too. I honestly thought it'd never change...
Nah, more like someone working at the museum, botanical gardens, zoo or a national park. Turns out it's a bit different to how I imagined it would be. I'll be working with someone, not for someone, to research a project of our own choosing.
This. Sounds. AWESOME. Holy crap. Watch out a plant doesn't eat you, I hear they tend to do that in your country.
I actually got quite a bit of calls for it to be restored when I first changed. But it's nice to see you again on this here forum. And yeah, it's gone downhill quite a bit. You will mostly notice the almost complete absence of story discussion and the lack of speculation about both heart of the swarm story mechanics or game mechanics. Also, I make rather long posts in other games now, in the hopes of inspiring some discussion. I really like your scientific illustrations by the way.