So i have my base all teched up to immortals, my zeals have speed, and my stalkers have blink. My enemy gets about 6 void rays and ends up killing me without a problem. First of all, how do I micro my stalkers to kill off the void rays? the map i was playing on was space station. In that scenario, should I have stayed in my base and waited for the void rays? My forces were blocked by cannons at the time and the void rays were right above the ledge, so I couldn't really break in until my immortals came. But when they did, those rays took out the entirety of my army of zeals, stalkers, and immortals. Well then this leads me to my second question: How do i micro my stalkers to kill the void rays? assuming i had amassed 20 stalkers in my main base, how could I have microed the void rays off? Obviously blinking, but how to hit and run? Do I go in volley 10 shots and blink off? Third question, if i know they are amassing void rays, are stalkers my only options at that late game, with him having 5-6 void rays and me a mixed ground army?
20 Stalkers against 6 Void Rays should win every time, unless the Void Rays have a really great terrain advantage. So the enemy players would've had to run his forces away when you came upon him with all those Stalkers. From there you should keep trying to blink right underneath him so that you can get as many hits as possible until he floats off into space. Although Colossi with upgraded thermal lances seem to be the Protoss siege unit (long range), I would still consider the Void Ray as a siege unit, even if it's pretty fast and doesn't outrange static defenses. Because of this, you should always be trying to chase them down, rather than let them come to you. Another reason is that you really don't want them to get into your base. Once they're there they can always keep their charge up by shooting your buildings if you run your units away. While Stalkers aren't your only option, they do seem to be the best; at least if they have Blink. If you need to be chasing him into places your Stalkers can't go, I would suggest Phoenixes, since they're fast enough to be able to dart in an out of the Void Rays range with ease. Not letting him be able to build up the charge on his Void Rays is essential. Though if you're in a situation of 20 Stalkers vs 6 Void Rays and he decides to stay, just focus fire him down, and you'll kill him far before he kills you.
You might also want to try some Phoenix hit and run tactics. They can now fire while moving, so the Rays won't be able to fully power up if you play it right.
but if the void rays have already charged up to their second level of attack, what good will trying to teleport right under them do? I'll just get crushed =/
Void Rays are nasty, and as Protoss there's no exceptional counter besides Stalkers and Phoenixes man. Blinking your stalkers under them and just taking them head on with Phoenixes is the way to do it, and of course you can get some Rays yourself. You just have to make sure you outnumber them. As far as the late game goes with someone massing VRs against you, I'd say the outnumbering bit is the best thing you could do. Ideally, you always want to be scouting and try to catch on that he's going for them before he starts to get them. Signs that VR's are coming are early cannons at the entrance to their base, quick gas, or, guess what, Stargates xD The earlier you catch on, the earlier you can start pumping out Stalkers and get to him before he can build steam, if ground army is what you like to go with. I hope this helps!
void rays too lol XD quite frankly, have the stalkers chase them down tear up his base with your immortals and collosi
First of all, did you upg your stalkers' attack? Second, the micro involved is a-click-shift-click... tell the stalkers to focus one, then shift so that they immediately focus anohter after killing one. I personally hate using stalkers vs voidrays, I much prefer phoenix, which will tear up voidrays. Also, if you're going to be using stalkers, have some sentries, the guardian shield will make a big difference. Finally if he has 6 voidrays, and you've got immortals/colossi and he's at your base.... the last resort is a base trade, immortals and colossi can do some heavy damage too =] ________ Walter de'Silva
Well, I guess i lost that one because i forgot that there was a hidden expansion behind destructible rocks. I destroyed his main completely. After i watched the reply, I was just that close to winning. while he was destroying my base, I had almost finished killing all of his buildings in his main. the only thing that i missed was a nexus in the far corner to the map...that i didn't go to check out.