What's up guys? The name's Shane. I'm 23, live in Northern Michigan and I come to you with a pretty unique situation and question set. I'll try to make it as brief as possible, so bare with me! Spoiler: TL;DR = See paragraph 3 and on. First off, I apologize in advance if any of this has been covered before or asked for too frequently. Even though I am a "new gamer", I am not new to forums by any means and know how annoying it can be. I have done some search though, and haven't really found what I'm after, so I here I am challenging you all with the following questions. The stuff I have found on the internet as far as strategies go, were only half helpful. 90% of them do not talk on a noob level... So I don't understand what they are saying or what is going on half the time.... As mentioned, I am sort of a "new gamer". I'm not really a gamer at all to be honest. I use to play a lot of N64 in my day, still dabble with the PS2 and I will play an Xbox 360 if alcohol is involved lol.. I do however, have had SOME experience with games such as Starcraft II.. That experience would be in the form of A LOT (and I mean a lot) of Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2. Sure, these games are literally worlds apart, but some of the hotkeys and overall play is the same. Although I am not a big gamer, I am pretty smart, a quick learner and I'm very competitive (we'll get into this later), so that is just enough to pick up and learn a game like this efficiently. So why am I coming to you guys? Well, 4 friends of mine decided to challenge each other. They were going to split up into teams of 2 and each team would pick out a noob, someone who has NEVER played this game before and teach them how to play in just 2 weeks... and at the end, have the noobs play each other 1v1 to see who the best player and coaches are. I have been neglected lol.. We are a few days in and I really have not been shown a lot by my "coaches". I know a few basics and that is about it. So I need a GOOD coach, preferably someone who is very talented with Terran because that is who I have chosen to use. Also, I mentioned that I am very competitive. My friends know this... this is actually part of the reason why they picked me to be their "noob".. but they haven't really helped me at all.. In fact, I hear they play with the other coaches and their noob a lot.. So I'm all "wtf, mate?".. I feel like I'm being set up/sabotaged here.. I have a good platform already with the game. I know how to do basic things, I just need some strategy. Right now I just kind of build random things and hope for the best lol.. Thinking about trying to learn an MMM strategy really well. But I'm gonna need more than that! This game just isn't that easy to learn by myself haha TL;DR again.. Here is a list that sums it all up! Noob showdown on November 2nd I am one of the two noobs in the showdown Need to learn Terran VERY VERY well so I don't just beat this other noob, I wreck him!! My coaches aren't helping me out My coaches have been playing with the other coaches and their noob Feels like I'm being set up to lose because they know how much I don't like to lose feels bad man Please help me destroy this other noob in this short time frame? I have Facebook and Skype for forms of communication. Need help fast. kthanksbye Some other fun information.. The 4 coaches are trying to make this a big event, they made an event on Facebook, invited all of the relevant people to join it and watch the game, the game will be streamed live and I'm thinking the game is going to be the best of 7. Please PM me if you can help.. I'd really appreciate it.
Someone, anyone? Even if it's just someone to play with me 1 on 1.. and tell me what I could do better, how to be faster.. etc.
Sweet deal.. Much appreciated. Hopefully someone will be able to get me up to speed. I thought I would be done with this game, never appealed to me.. BUT.. after looking over how competitive it is and all the league play. I might stick around lol
Sorry, but I am mediocre at best in Melee. I'm a Gold player, which is the middle-ish. All I can really talk about is theory (i.e, micro, macro, etc.) over actual efficient builds. I'm much more in to the mapping/modding scene.
Sweet.. Hopefully someone can get ahold of me.. Been playing a handful of 1 on 1's.. Been losing all of them, unfortunately. My micro is nonexistent. Seems like no matter the size of my army, they get wiped out.... hard
Still need help desperately. My "coaches" never play with me, and if they do, it is for 1 game and then I get the same old excuse every time; "I'm tired". Getting frustrated too.. because no matter the size of my army or what I do.. I always lose. Every. Single. Time. It is getting very demotivating. Shane
I'd be willing to play with you, if you want. When are you usually on, and what is your friend information?
Sorry I wasn't around sooner. Though I couldn't have helped you a whole lot, because I am a toss player.