I love how i pay 60 buck for a game that dont work.Anyone having no video but have sound problem with SC2?Im runing win 7 32bit/9800GTX 512.I love how i cant post in blizzard fourms cuz i didnt make charater yet.CUZ i cant play game to make one lol. All driver updated and then downgraded still doesnt work.
Are you SURE you got the latest driver? Because I find it hard to believe the problem would be EXACTLY the same with both driver sets. There had to be a difference. Let's eliminate some variables. Do other modern games run? Say.... Call of Duty?
driver I installed driver they recomand 257.21 that didnt work.I had this problem with game called Avencast i had to edit setup 3DX file to make it work but i cant seem to find any setup file i can edit in notebook.I've played CS:source and COD4 they worked. Wish i could post in bizzard fourms but wont let me.