SC2 doesn't respond (not the Windows error message but literally) after leaving a custom game and trying to join another one. I'd be able to navigate the menus and such but the single player button and the join button, as well as achievements, etc. are greyed out. As if SC2 was waiting to connect but it doesn't say anything about that and it would continue to do for several minutes (before I get fed up and relog in). It's a fairly popular map (Starjeweled) so I can't imagine I'd be waiting for other players. Besides, I'd be waiting in a lobby on my own, not in the menu without the ability to do anything. Does anyone else get this?
I haven't tried another game, but I now know that SC2 is indeed waiting to join the lobby (hovering the cursor over the 'join game' button gives a pop-up saying "not available while joining a lobby". I wonder if this is the same thing as when we saw non-EU players joining a game (it said "pending..." in the lobby and when I tried to look at their profile it said they didn't have one on my region). So maybe I was joining a SEA or US game? But that's retarded and impossible, as far as I know.