Jeez, it's 5:00 here and there's still no news of the Invitation. I'm aware of the differing time-zones but this's ridiculous! They haven't even updated the Blizzard site's opening wallpaper yet! How late are they wanting to start this thing! >=\ Anyway... I've come to the conclusion that we've got to start a chant. After all, chants solve all problems! We want info! Start the event! Open the doors! Add your own! $10 says it works, provided the chant catches on! We want info! Start the event! Open the doors!
The site's been updated, chill. Looks like yet another slap in the face from Blizzard. Also the event should be up in a few hours. The journalists and whatever can't update during the convention, they'll have to wait till it's over.
Woohoo! See? Told you chanting solved all problems. Didn't even need more people to start! Still, nothing stopping a mob from rioting after their problems have temporarily been solved...
We want info! Start the event! Open the doors! P.S. You have no idea how annoying it is to type that on an iphone.
Just letting you guys know you can add your own chants. Don't have to be the same ones over again... That said... We start open! Info event doors!
Omgosh Roflk!! Wthwhere Is Info! I Want Now! if you think about it, its around 7:30 am there isnt it?
Yeah, I guess I can close this now. Jeez, some rowdy bunch of drunkards you were! *storms off in a huff*