So I log on to SC2 and go to join a multiplayer game, thinking I'll see the usual mix of custom maps. Instead, I see page after page of Nexus Wars games. I clicked the "Show More" button 27 times, and the entire time I saw two "Level Up Bound" maps and one "Platform Defense" map. It certainly doesn't seem to be a lag issue, but let's face it, no game has ever been that popular. The better part of a page maybe, even two occasionally, but twenty-seven? What the heck's going on here?
I liked the wc3 counterpart, Battlefield, but grew tired of it, so I don't really find nexus wars that fun.
I've been having the same problem for about a week now, i can't play any of the custom games, and when i try to create one it says maps not found. if someone can point me to a solution that would be appreciated.
I found a way to fix it, go into your installed SC2 file probably on your 2 drive, then use the starcraft 2 repair tool, that did it for me, but i had to redownload the maps after.