
Discussion in 'Zerg' started by -LT-, Sep 30, 2007.


Discussion in 'Zerg' started by -LT-, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. -LT-

    -LT- New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    This is a unit I found on the net.
    Concept by Michael "Tenebrae" Thorne
    Artwork by Kate "Mizhak" D.


    Within the past four years the swarm has evolved far beyond what anyone had ever thought possible. It seems that few of the former strains still remain, those that do have been warped well beyond recognition into even deadlier horrors then they once were.

    The Defiler managed to retain its status within the swarm at the cost of undergoing several genetic mutations. Its very flesh twisted into a nightmarish remnant of its former self, this horror has developed new abilities that have both the Terran and Protoss fearing it above all other Zerg strains. The newly dubbed Nexinferolisk now stalks the shadows of the swarm, waiting for the perfect time to unleash its taint upon unsuspecting prey.

    Physical Description:

    Most who have had the “pleasure†of encountering a Nexinferolisk typically haven't lived long enough to report what they've seen. Those few, who have, speak their words through deformed mouths; their bodies littered with ulcerated, puss filled sores and grotesque tumor-like mutations. Regardless, what they speak of is nothing short of terrifying.

    The accounts describe a creature that could have come straight from the nightmares of the most mentally disturbed individuals ever to grace the Terran race. A horrific beast standing upon ten arachnid-like legs, twenty smaller variants along its underside that tightly clutch a putrid pulsating sack. This bloated flesh literally writhes from within, pushing against the sickly white walls of the membrane. Near the base of the tail, this sack splits in two and curls up along the sides of the beast before each merges into a mass of organs. These masses are teeming with strange insect and grub-like creatures that make their home within the large underbelly sack, the masses themselves appearing quite swollen and infected beyond the ability for words to portray.

    Most of the creature's body is covered in a rather thick carapace, like most Zerg, save for a fairly large portion of its back. This area is littered with pits, craters, veins, and a myriad of other soft tissue, appearing quite a lot like a sea sponge. The tail of the creature curls up, the tip ending in pincer-like spines that serve no apparent purpose. The head of the Nexinferolisk is, however, what truly reflects its namesake. A sinister fang-filled maw hangs agape, accented with twin pincer-like mandibles as piercing red eyes stare out from sunken sockets.

    Those who live long enough to see these sadistic predators should seek medical attention immediately. They've most likely fallen victim without even realizing it.



    Like most Zerg, the Nexinferolisk possesses the ability to burrow deep within the soil, effectively obscuring it from those without the capability of detection. This tactic has been used by countless strains in order for them to best ambush their prey, striking suddenly and without warning from the depths of the very ground they walk upon.

    Dark Swarm:

    An ability retained from its ancestor, the Defiler, the Nexinferolisk possesses thousands of small insect-like creatures within the grotesque sack that it clutches tightly to its underside. By compressing the membrane of this chamber the creatures are propelled forth, blackening the skies as they swarm about.

    # Justification for ability's return:

    Currently, we know that the Firebat has been implemented into the Starcraft II build whilst they see how it works alongside the current units. A decent portion of the community is also speaking about the possibility of merging the Reaper and Firebat into one unit that alternates between the two attacks... which I myself like. If either is done, the Terran obtain a melee unit once again, and thus the Zerg regain the justification of possessing Dark Swarm as it once was... the ability we all adored.


    Living alongside the insect-like creatures within the bloated sack are countless writhing grubs which closely resemble the original Zerg Larva. These squirming masses feast upon the nutrient rich bio-matter that their host naturally produces. These creatures aren't without purpose for they can be genetically enhanced and transformed into the strain of larva that the Zerg currently use to morph all strains from.

    To do this, however, the Nexinferolisk must first burrow under the soil so that it can construct a sort of nest for these creatures to properly incubate. Whilst it lays deep within the ground it then proceeds to pump a creep-like variant into the chamber, filling it up to the point where it seeps forth from the soil, blanketing the surface in a small pool of the nutrient rich bio-matter. Utilizing its own energies the Nexinferolisk then goes about manipulating the genetic structure of these creatures, spurring them to mutate into their larger counterparts. These newly spawned larva then slither their way to the surface where they feast upon the creep until needed.


    Ability to rapidly produce units where needed, potentially right under the nose of your enemy.


    Though done underground, the creep that carpets a small area above the underground chamber does reveal the location of the submerged Nexinferolisk. The enemy then needs only to send forth a detector to pinpoint the exact location to assault the beast directly.


    That which has always struck fear into the hearts of the Protoss and Terran alike is not the viciousness of the Zerg's countless killing machines, but the fact that through infestation you could become one of them. Your body twisted into a grotesque mockery of what you once were, compelled to preform unspeakable acts in the name of the swarm.

    For this reason the Nexinferolisk is considered to be one of the most dangerous of Zerg strains ever to have existed. Years of genetic experimentation has given these creatures countless abilities, some of which were discarded whilst others were advanced upon... the most favored by these beasts being those that wreaked havoc upon the flesh of their prey. Vile contagions seemed to excite these creatures, blatantly enjoying the look of their prey in utter agony as some sort of plague ravaged their system. Through manipulation of the Zerg's infestation spores, the Nexinferolisk has developed a contagion capable of doing far more then simply inflicting suffering...

    Those who have encountered Nexinferolisks are typically ambushed by the creatures whilst patrolling, unexpectedly engulfed in a plume of infectious spores that quickly enter any organic creature's system as they utilize the tissue to replicate themselves. The contagion wreaks utter havoc upon the body, putrid puss filled sores cover the flesh of the victim. Many find that they eventually start to develop tumor-like growths in various parts of their body, these sensitive and bloated areas are extremely painful for the victim thus reducing their mobility. If the contagion stopped there many would consider this a blessing... but sadly this plague holds another, far more sinister capability.

    In some, the contagion has a chance to mutate, spreading rapidly throughout the host's body as it genetically alterers them from within, infesting their system as they slowly lose themselves. Soon little of the host remains, their minds as warped as their grotesque body... a slave to the swarm. These infested horrors quickly turn on those they once considered friends... even family... tearing them limb from limb without a moment's hesitation.

    # Infested Terran:

    No longer the suicidal masses of destruction they once were, the Zerg have learned how to better manipulate the DNA of the Terran species. These new nightmares enter the field of battle as lean, clawed, horrors capable of utilizing the latent psi abilities of the Terran race to enhance their natural speed and attack.

    Though restricted to a melee attack, via their razor sharp claws, when engaged with grounded targets these creatures can also launch acid covered barbs at aerial enemies, thus making them the most versatile of the infested monstrosities.

    # Infested Protoss:

    The fears of the entire Protoss race have finally become a twisted reality. With the coming of this new contagion not even the Protoss are safe from falling victim to the Swarm's will.

    These infested beasts are nothing less than a warped monstrosity to behold, physically capable of tearing through their enemies whilst taking massive amounts of damage. These creatures harbor no ranged or aerial attack, instead utilizing sickly green, energy engulfed blades from each wrist that make short work of anything within their range.

    It's unknown as to how much of the original Protoss warrior remains within the twisted husk of these brutes but if even a fragment remains, the sorrow must be overwhelming due to the sheer carnage they bring to their own people. The slaying of these fallen warriors has quickly become one of the most honorable acts within Protoss society.

    # Infested Zerg:

    The contagion has rather violent results within that of other enemy Zerg Broods. Once within the system, it starts to infect various organs and other tissue within the body, warping them into one huge mass of organs, tissue and various bones. The process obviously kills the host, but what crawls forth from the corpse is a creature who's very sight has known to induce the gag reflex of most Terrans.

    This quivering mass of flesh stands upon four malformed legs, its warped body covered in chemical filled sacks, twisted tendrils and other deformations... being quite revolting in appearance. Though seeming as if it wouldn't pose much of a threat, these creatures can skitter toward their enemies at alarming speeds whilst combining the chemicals within their bodies... the end result nothing short of utter devastation.


    Contagion can be cast whilst burrowed making it excellent for ambushes.
    Contagion deals X damage over X amount of time as well as reduces the movement of the infected targets by X every second.
    Contagion has a small X% change of forming a new agent of the Swarm, the variant depending upon the race infected... Each are quite powerful in their own way, preforming a different function in vague reflection to the race they were derived from.


    Contagion effects a very short area around the caster.
    Contagion does not effect air units.
    Contagion does not effect non-organic units.
    The inflicted unit can become infested at anytime whilst under the effect of the contagion, meaning it can potentially be slain or cured before the infestation even takes place.
    If supply cap has been met (200) Infested units will berserk, becoming computer controlled and considering everything an enemy.

    Picture is included in the attachment.
  2. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    were you drunk while thinking of the name?

    good ideas
  3. -LT-

    -LT- New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    It's not mine idea. :p
  4. Larvitar

    Larvitar New Member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    Sounds uber and imba. But then again, only ground units. Battlecruisers roam free to wreck havoc upon any infested unit.

    This unit only amplifies the Zerg's ground attack.

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    The conceptor is coming from hell to have drawn that. This is a devil ! :p
  6. Inpox

    Inpox New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Great idea man, but dunno about the balance, something disturbs me about that picture, it looks to...wimpy.. Anyway have a well earned power up :powerup:
  7. Ensomgrav

    Ensomgrav New Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    it looks and sounds ridiculously cool and zerg-like. we need a better name though
  8. -LT-

    -LT- New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    Yes indeed.
    Thanks. Wimpy? Why do you think so?
  9. Overling

    Overling New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    Whose idea was it? Anyway, the guy who drew it was surely a H.R. Giger fan, as anyone designing zergs should be: H.R. Giger designed Alien, from the movie series, among other very cool stuff. :powerup: for that!

    EDIT: How do I power up?
  10. -LT-

    -LT- New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    After you get 40 posts you can do that.
  11. DE.50

    DE.50 New Member

    Sep 21, 2007
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    Dont like the name, too awkward to say, but the abilities sound doable.
  12. Overling

    Overling New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    Ok, then I leave my intention. ^^
  13. -LT-

    -LT- New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    25 more posts to go. ;)
  14. WuHT

    WuHT New Member

    May 29, 2007
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    yes. The name sounds rather lame. What is a nexinferno ?

    Muta = mutant (mutant)
    Hydra= hydra (snake mythical monster)
    ultra = ultra (final)

    nexinferno (flaming nex ? )
    Sorry, but it sounds silly
  15. -LT-

    -LT- New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    It's not my idea. :p
  16. DontHate

    DontHate New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    whoa... that things amazing, except for the "plauge" ability. there can't be a chance or possibility for the units to be infested, either it is or isn't, becuase that's the way sc is. also id rather take away the whole "plauge" ability, and let it have incubate and swarm, becuase those are good enough. incubate sounds very awesome, btw.

    and the name does suck, as said before.
  17. timedragon888

    timedragon888 New Member

    Jul 30, 2007
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    Nex = Spider thing?
    Inferno = Fire
    Nexinferno = Spider on fire
    I agree, the picture is quite lame compared to the description. Something like you hear all the gross stuff and you're thinking "wow this creature must look gross" and then you see something like a scorpion.
  18. BnechbReaker

    BnechbReaker New Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    i think Terolisk is a good name for it
  19. Larvitar

    Larvitar New Member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    How about Terrorist, not Terolisk? Or a variation, Terroisk. It's the sort which would terrorise the battlefield with its extremely potent arsonal of.........magic.
  20. BnechbReaker

    BnechbReaker New Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    hehe. but seriously the name has to include lisk...
    Teralisk... Terrolisk... Terralisk... Terrorlisk...