this is a replay of me and my husband playing.believe me he is not the least bit nice to me just because im his wife.. every game i play against him or terran for that matter i lose.i try different things every time but one constant is im guilty of doing the standard 2 gate early game then i get stuck as to what i should build after that.please watch and wont hurt my feelings...
Umk well theres a lot to be said. You had like 6 few too many workers even before he dropped in the back. So not really utilizing the protoss money train, like chrono boosting out probes while its doing that I beleive they also mine faster. Also when he dropped in the back you should just crushed his drop instead of sending what could be seen as a sufficent amount just kill em and be done with it. Tactically speaking that would leave your front exposed but your about 3 leagues away from that possibly mattering. You never actually scouted him at all so you were just building blindly gotta use those observers 1 at his base early and midgame one for you base to cover vs cloaked stuff. You also got voidrays after he dropped in your main, and they are the worst protoss unit vs MMM. Shoulda stuck with one production line and either pushed gateway units or do like a Voidray Chargelot build(my favorite when playing protoss). But Colossi are really the way to go vs MMM he did overcompensate from seeing your one Colossus thats an interesting brain battle in PvT is you get Colossi he gets vikings and you try to make him overproduce Vikings cause they are crap on ground. Also Immortals arent very good vs a MMM build they are more focus on countering Terran mech whereas they do 50 vs armor targets I beleive. And the cannons thats a big protoss noob "mistake" is too many cannons when you got 4 warpgates make units not cannons so you have a mobile strike force. Final on the mean things to say... Never attack or defend with a little bit at a time. If you have to hold your units and probes back in the corner till you can get all your units together as they beat up your buildings do it cause its better to have those 6-8 units joined by your other 20 units than to uselessly throw 6 at them when their death is inevitable, its kind of a panic reaction for most people but be aware its better to hold back and wait for the right opportunity to actually kill his army regardless of the cost. So ya thats most of it you did good staying on top of your money and your opening wasnt bad (Shift+click que Probes when building so they dont auto sit idle). Its easy to see you got an RTS background your basic knowledge and procedure just isnt up to snuff. I recommend watching some online replays and really soak in the current "standards" for protoss building and strategy. Edit: You should switch to zerg they OP like a mofo.
Try 4 Gate instead. Its simple, effective, and can counter most early pushes while giving you the intrastructure to counter push right after. Transition wise, it will depend what your opponant does. Against Banshees, get a few cannons guarding your mineral lines (and get +1 Weapons research while you're at it) and then a Robo to get out Observers (2 minimum). If they go for mass Marauders, having a few Immortals at the back will help a lot. If they go mass Marines, get Collosus. Against Seige Tanks, get Pheonixes (also good against Mech builds with Vikings). I rarely ever go for Templars against Terran. Probably my bad, but they never seem to pay for themselves. Oh, and remember - ALWAYS SCOUT! Even if its just sending a Probe in to die, just to get a look at their army guarding their ramp.
Void rays are good with ur main army, Husky showed me Immortals are actually decent against MMM. Stalker shoot down medivacs, have immortals focus on marauders ur zlots will clean up
While Immortals are good against Marauders, you have to watch out still - especially if there's Marines mixed in as well. A quick stim will have them up in your face and killing your Immortals and Stalkers ridiculously fast.
Yes well they wudnt be able to kill them too fast unless M and M are really massed, in which case i will have dts and colossi by that time. Did i mention...ZEALOTS? lol
I'm talking about an early push. By the time you can get out one Immortal you might be facing 5+ Marauders with a bunch of Marines as well. If you're not ready for it, you'll crumble very quickly...
umm... I hate marauders more than i hate marines. Cuz i played sc1 lol... Zealots will be raped b y marauder micro so stalkers will need to focus marauders. if i get an immortals out then itll be epic
I know, bro, and that's also the bane of me against T Recently I started preferring to get a second robo really fast and pump immortals out, they cost as much as 2 stalkers, deal about double the damage against non-armored and 4 times the damage against armored and can take quite a beating... Plus if you have quite a few of them in your mix(like 6-8 or so) and you have either blink stalkers or phoenixes, then you really feel safe getting those colossi out... Another thing against terran: phoenixes are super-awesome... I get a feeling that if you get a ground army of only zealots, immortals and colossi and gain air superiority with phoenixes, then it feels impossible for the terran army to beat the protoss army because: Zealots tank marauder damage being light and charge kind of negates the slow effect, if they have a bio ball they will want to snipe the colossi but with the zealots blocking the way and the immortals 2-3shotting marauders and the colossi support, the only thing that can hurt is vikings and siege tanks, which you kill and lift with phoenixes. That's a pretty expensive and hard to replace army though and you don't just have that much out of nowhere, but generally if the game moves late, such an army mix I believe is really powerful against terran in general...
Constantly Build Probes, Pylons, and Units. You can also Learn a lot from watching Protoss Strategy Videos on YouTube and reading Protoss Strategy Articles from Google searches. Players on the forum should also give you some advice.
"Constantly build Pylons" ROFLMAO, we all know who's been plagued by You Must Construct Additional Pylons
Nothing worse than Tech Rushing to something then getting Supply Blocked when you go to get the Unit. Getting Supply Blocked sucks, even though we have Falling Supply Depots and MULES =). Protoss have Chrono Boost though, which is good. Still, getting Supply Blocked is not fun.
Weirdly I never seem to get supply blocked when I play Protoss. It happens when I'm Terran though. I guess it just doesn't occur to me, since Pylons are vital to building placement and unit warp ins...
Protoss have alot to fear from T in the first 7 minutes, seeing as though its unlikely that you have blink and or charge by that time. If your not diamond you don't even need to be that good with force fields or shields to fend off most early mm pushes.