Hey, I am trying to find my race of choice right now, I started with toss and liked it, but then tried Terran and ended up not liking it, and now im trying zerg. I really like zerg so far, probably the funnest to play yet, but I suck at it. I just can not win a 1v1 with it. I played 4 1v1's so far and lost. I am trying the speedling/muta build for terran/toss and against zerg I am really not sure what to do. I played 3 terrans and lost to all of them. Two went MMM and one went thors. Seems like whenever they push out for me, I just can't defend it and I lose. Any help on how to improve my zerg game would be great. I am in the gold division in 1v1 btw. I am posting my last two game for you guys to watch. Thanks a lot for the help! Also, as you will see in game 2, vs zerg, I accidently hotkeyed my overlord instead of my lair. How do I remove that overlord from that hotkey and switch it? Have never been able to figure that out.
I only saw the first reply and you lost only because the terran used his SCVs to repair the thors in combat (another terran cheat). Just keep playing zerg untill you improve
*meh* i haven't watched the replays... i didn't have time to do so but when you hotkeyed your overlord instead of your lair you should just hotkey the lair with ctrl+{insert number here} for example if you hotkeyed the overlord to 5 instead of your lair then you should just click on your lair and press ctrl+5 then the overlord will be replaced with your lair its kinda hard to explain.... but i dont know how to remove the hotkey once you've done it xD
A few tips on Z v Z. Two early spine crawler to protoct against zergling rushes and aim towards a early overseer. Make sure you have a evo chamber and spore towers up by the time you hit the mid game so early muta attacks on your mineral field are worthless (they nearly always come). Beside that you have to base your choice on what your changling and zergling reports tell you. Rouches/hydras is normaly prety solid tho. Also a little trick against rush attack in general, if your low on soilder but have base defences, then use your drones to keep your foe busy while the spine crawlers kill them.
Thanks for the tips Draco those will help. And on the hotkey thing, if I accidentally put something to a hotkey (say 5) then I click something else and hit ctrl+5 again, it just adds that to the hotkey along with what I originally had, and it still does not work. Can't figure this out