Hey, I'm new to Protoss - I used to play zerg but I found them rather lacking in some aspects and annoying having to constantly mess with queens. So I switched to protoss after practicing against hard ai for a while and I'm doing well enough against other Toss/Zerg. (Usually...) I recently got promoted to Gold league from Silver and I've yet to fight some gold players because I wanna learn how to counter quick marine/marauder/siege tank attacks. By the time I get colossi it's either too late or if I get chargelots it just doesn't seem like enough. I'd really appreciate some advice on how to defend my self against these attacks, I can hold off early pushes of just marines/marauders alright with sentries but if a siege tank or two is thrown in I'm screwed. (I'm really digging protoss, proxy pylons are endless fun)
Good call with chargelots and sentries. These are key to the pre-tank MM push. Throw a couple of stalkers in there, too. Temps and/or Immortals are good once the terran gets tanks. I would go temps first since you already have chargelots. Make sure you have probes at any watchtowers available so that you can see when the tanks are on the move. Once they seige you, it's tough to recover. You need to hit them before they set up. Tanks are a pain for Toss when they get set up, but they are a pain for Terran before they are set up. The reason I say temps is because they can handle the MM. Once you zap the rines, you can use your chargelots to finish off the tanks. blink stalkers are good for this, too, since they do bonus to tanks and can blink to zero range them. After temps get immortals/obs. If they are heavy tanking, you can try to VR next. If they are heavy MMM, go colossi next.
Sounds good. I will have to try that out some, I'll probably test it out against the AI first so I can get the hang of building the necessary units with good timing. Thanks for the advice.
Ah yes, and people say there is nothing wrong with tanks yet almost everyone I meet begins to have that problem. This is my weakness as well, I recommend getting just a few phoenixes to deal with the tanks, also. This just popped in to my head, get a dt or two, send them in one at a time to the MM and he will be forced to scan, also his tanks will splash onto the marines/marauders.
I agree with ZergFerguson, but i would be careful with the templars because the storm is only really useful against marines and marauders, if you feel you cannot get the storms off before the battle begins (or at least the early stages of it) then i wouldn't recommend the templars just because they are only really great in those crucial early moments. Immortals, on the other hand, fare fairly well against tanks and marauders, which provides you with an excellent overall composition to push with since immortals wreck havoc generally wherever they go once they beat that initial terran army. Either way, once you break apart that composition, it is very difficult for the terran to come back just by repeating the same and hoping for better results. Expect some variation in their army after that but its generally just a clean up job if you steadily push onwards.
Well I almost beat a Terran player as Toss, but it came down to a base race and he lifted all of his buildings and moved them where ground units can't go. I'm so tired of Terran ugh, they just seem overpowered... only race that ever gives me any real trouble. They just turtle and pump out endless t1 units that can compete with t2+ stuff while only having one or two bases and if I try to out macro them they just start to attack and obliterate me. If they're about to lose, they can just cheese with buildings for an hour or two.
Add me online - Code 703. I'm not THE Best 'Toss player, but I'm Platinum atm - approaching Diamond (I'm like #3 Platinum or summin, been going up FAST) - I think I can teach you new things - as I've had the same problem as you. I beat almost every Gold Terran Bioball'er doing the same thing, but recently they've become more difficult - so I'm doing new stuff, which works well too. Basically, contact me online and we'll talk about P v T - It's always going to be rough though, Terran is easy to get good results with - spam Marines :> Character name is Endroil.