I've decided to learn some terran... can someone help me with build orders/basic strategies and - especially - youtube commentaries for terran just like the ones psy is doing for zerg (please don't recommend day9, I just can't listen to his way of speaking)?
After getting moved from gold to bronze after my switch to terran ... I thought I could need some very basic advice on what counters what. So far I know that marauders are good against roachers and thors somewhat good against mutas... but how do terran units fare against toss and what do I get against hydras etc? Please help out with some basic suggestions (also bo are welcome).
Tanks and HSM against hydras. But really, the only way you'll learn all these things is by watching replays and commentaries. Also I recommend Jon's article linked at the top.
Thanks! I actually do watch replays (and I have read (quickly though) over Jon's article) but without someone like psy really explaining what he is doing and why it's quite hard. And although I love him, H to the usky Husky is not really of any help.
I want to learn HEY I HAVE JUST DECIDED TO LEARN SOMETHING TERRAN AND I JUST DECIDED AND ITS MY LAST DECISION SO AND I AM NEW IN THIS FORUM SO PLEASE HELP ME _______________________ "Want to get-on Google's first page and loads of traffic to your website? Hire a SEO Specialist from Ocean Groups seo pecialist "
I find playing against the computer on easy until you have a decent build order is helpful. From there, you move on to medium, and then try hard. I know, its nothing compared to playing vs. real live people; however when you're playing vs. A.I on easy, you can deffiantly work on build orders/counters without really having to worry about getting owned/losing rank in ladder so forth. Give it a try, that's what i did. Doing that ^ and watching commentarys helped me out a lot...hopefully this works for you!
The problem is, when I was playing zerg I always had a game plan when it started, I knew what I wanted to do. With terran I never know what to do. Of course I build barracks, factory etc but then I always run out of ideas. Sometime I try a helion drop into the mineral line. But neither I know counters nor do I know viable strats (except a marine-tank-thor combo which never works out the way I want).
Try HD Husky if you don't like Day9 =) His jokes are so bad that they become good. Anyway, I would recommend trying 5-rax reaper only vs zerg, then into expo and MMM. Ridiculously good :|
Reapers arent raped by speedlings unless your micro fails, but yes, they're unless useful in a short window.