Not really sure who to play as, bit of a newbie wen it comes to strategy games, who should i start off playing with ?
I would recommend you start as the Terran. They are probably the most newb friendly. The other races are abit more complicated. Am I right in thinking you haven't played Starcraft before? A few starter tips: When you begin, find the ramp to your base and block it off with supply depot's & a barracks. This is to stop scouts from seeing your base and also creates a choke point. Click your command centre and right click on the blue crystals, this means that when you make your workers they will automatically begin to mine. A good army composition is to have 3 marines for every 1 maurader. These can both be made at a barracks with an add-on attached. Last one is to just have fun, enjoy it and try to learn from each game. After the game, watch the replay, see what your opponent did and try to see what you can do better next time.
HD Starcraft has ton's of videos of Pro games. I can't link the channel to you but if you visit youtube and search for HD Starcraft you will find his channel.
In addition to HD Starcraft, his partner, HuskyStarcraft has good replays too. I'm not a fan of any other commentators, but StarcraftScientist does some abnormal things with his videos.
Im new to the Starcraft world as well, and found this thread in my search for help. In the course of playing against someone, when do you know, or an idea of, when to try to attack? In my last few games, I tried to build as much as I was allowed to build before I got attacked, yet once they attacked me, I was on the defensive, had no idea what to do, and was wiped out fairly quickly.
day9 is my favorite for replays, look up his beginner's guides as well and I also have problems sometimes balancing teching and building my army. Start building units sooner is really all there is to it. You should have 2 armies planned out, one early game and one late game. For zerg it might be roaches early to roach/muta midgame and eventually roach muta broodlord late game. You can start getting your roaches right off the bat, and each tier adds to your army. just remember to build up your army as you tech