New Starcraft Player Looking for help and tips

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by aMorra, Aug 12, 2010.

New Starcraft Player Looking for help and tips

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by aMorra, Aug 12, 2010.

  1. aMorra

    aMorra Guest

    Hey guys just found this forum and I was hoping that maybe I could get a few tips and strategies.

    Basically I have been playing starcraft for over 6 years (believe it or not) but have mostly stuck to the comp stomps and use map setting type games but with this new ladder system I decided to give competitive play a try. Right now I'm around 37 or 38 in bronze league and have a record of 6-8. I really have a few questions about my most recent game, basically I was trying out this banshee rush strategy which I read about. It had worked out for me in a few games (got a 3 win streak using this strategy). The only problem as you will see in the replay is that if I dont kill them on my first rush my entire game just deteriorates from there on. I was mostly hoping if you guys could give me some strategies or builds to use if that initial rush doesnt work.

    Many Thanks in advanced to the guys who take the trouble to help me

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  2. samifish

    samifish New Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    well as another bronze player, id love to help. send me a friend request and we can play some scrimmages and go over the replays together. sounds good?

    Id: Samifish
  3. kenadams

    kenadams New Member

    Jul 19, 2010
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    Watch videos and get yourself a SC2 strategy guide, well worth the $20 bucks or so.
  4. Rand al'Thor

    Rand al'Thor New Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    Husky starcraft on YouTube is a really good place to watch videos. He does a good job. The videos help a ton. Guide is ok. If u have the money get it.
  5. BambooPanda

    BambooPanda New Member

    May 19, 2010
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    Gave the replay a quick run-through.

    You go almost a minute at 10supply without building SCVs. There should only be small periods of time when you're not making SCVs constantly.

    No use of control groups (selecting a group of units, pressing CTRL and a number on the keyboard).

    Command Center never upgraded to Orbital Command for Scans and Mules.

    Queueing SCVs and Marines instead of producing them one at a time is a less-than-ideal way of maximizing your gold collection rate.

    Minerals should never climb above 150 in the early-game. That's the minimum needed to build buildings. You can aim to never let your minerals climb above 500 in the mid and late game.

    Supply blocked for extended periods of time, in particular at the 27supply mark when there isn't much going on in the game.

    Not using the shift queue command for SCVs after they construct a building. Unless you have intentions of building something with an SCV (for example, after the 9-depot into the 11-barracks) you should give them the command to produce a building, press SHIFT and click on the mineral line to send them back to mining immediately after finishing. This will add up to literally an extra few minutes worth of mining collection time and reduces your macro-management.

    The ramifications of early-game hiccups increase exponentially as the game continues. Part of the speed in the banshee rush involves building the tech lab onto the factory or the barracks, then lifting them off and swapping them so that seconds after the starport is done you'll be on your way to building the banshees. You'll also want to stockpile minerals and gas so that you can start researching cloak when the first banshee is producing. This lets you attack with two cloaked banshees asap.

    Also, the opposing zerg player didn't counter that rush at all. He was pretty much dead at that point if you had continued to press the attack. First, take out his anti-air (the Queen). Then, de-cloak to save your energy and move onto drones and finally buildings. If and when he counters, you move on to his expansion and bounce back and forth harassing his mineral line. FYI, a good zerg player can have his overseer and/or spore crawlers up in time to completely stop the banshee rush. You could have won this game at the 12-minute mark.

    Not expanding until the 24minute mark. Zerg player is basically doubling your income the entire game.

    My best advice would be to commit one build to memory (stick with the banshee rush if you want and just get it streamlined) and just work on your macro-management. Almost all the advice I gave was macro-related. The real answer to your question of strategies and builds after the banshee rush is that you build whatever counters the information you see during the banshee rush. However, at this point you still don't know what to look for when scouting (and you're not even at this point doing SCV scouting) so you'll improve drastically just by sticking with one build and improving your macro.