At the end of the year, Blizzard is putting out a new novel called "I, Mengsk". We know the author name (Graham McNeill), size and approximate publication date: December 28 to 30th. In addition, the Aaron Rosenberg novel sequel to Queen of Blades has been confirmed. The StarCraft manga has not been confirmed, and if it comes out it'll be in 2009. There's no confirmation of any more StarCraft: Ghost novels, but since DeCandido is writing the manga, most likely StarCraft: Ghost will be novelized there. Warcraft has two graphic novel series, each of which is a trilogy. (Which only makes sense; graphic novels have a low information per page content.) Source:
Yay! More fun Science Fiction books to read that are about SC! I've read all the SC books that have come out so far.
The only place where I have seen StarCraft novels is Blizzards website. Do they sell those in your bookstores?
im waiting for the manga. i hope someone nice enough would upload the manga asap as the first one is already on sale.
Ack! Someone nice enough would be someone doing illegal actions! You should just buy it, as the post above says. =)
No, pirate it. Blizz has enough cash. Just follow the rules of this forum and do not seek any pirated goods here. Reading, bah. TV is faster.
"That would be a copyright violation. If you want it, buy it." It's on tokyopop's website for all to see
Hmm.... My mistake. I had simply thought each comic was just short But do the authors of these comics? They aren't multi-million/billion dollar companies.. So you should support them