lombar or someone asked if they had to recruit for the new ranks.. so i take a look to low and behold new ranks. News ranks are fine and stuff but the idea they HAVE to recruit or HAVE to post on forum... alot of current high rank members dont even have 55 posts( requirement b4 leadership roles or w/e its explained as) though i do hope they have recruited atleast one member. The fact that our forum doesnt even track posts since our posts dont count tword the sc2 forum point system. as well as.. i do think a person who wants to become a leader or someone looked to in a clan should recruit.. but to really make it a requirment? i kinda think it should just be a judgement call because itll just become a dispute or not disputed at all IMO. same with forum, i dont wanna see forced posts because a kid thinks he cant advance if he isnt active on a forum. a public forum let alone that(starcraft 2 forum is public) Edit: sorry for being a damper.. but as always.. im just being blunt about my feelings.(though it gets confused for being dramatic -__-)
Im actually getting our forum un-gay'ed hopefully, so for now, just hang tight ;] and it is hard to make the effort to get some posts in, so I will see how it works out at first. But as far as recruiting goes, that is a requirement until i can think of another method, recruiting has been horrible so to remedy that, we should make everyone recruit. IMO