New protoss ship idea

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by Eagle, Oct 26, 2007.

New protoss ship idea

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by Eagle, Oct 26, 2007.

  1. Eagle

    Eagle New Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    I've come with an idea for a protoss ship, kinda aa but more versatile (I think, lol)

    Protoss Behemoth

    Costs: 300M, 175G, 3P
    Hp: 75
    Shields: 250
    Armor: 1
    Shield armor: 1+1 vs. normal attacks

    Compton Cannon: 4 (+2) (atg/aa, normal damage)
    Plasma Shock: 20 (+4) (aa, splash, explosive damage)

    Range Compton Cannon: about an unupgraded marine
    Range plasma shock: 3~4

    Speed: unupgraded shuttle
    Cooldown: half scout's antimatter missiles (Compton Cannon)

    This air unit has weak cannon damage, but it's main weapon is its shield, that heavily damages aerial enemies nearby every time it gets damage on its shield. This attack is powerful against consecutive attacks, so hordes of flyers along with marines can be deadly to enemy flyers. Also its rotary cage ability can help with small units or enemy units with 0 armor.

    Ability: Channeling
    Connect the protoss shield energy flux on a enemy aerial unit, so it ensures that the energy from plasma shock will damage an unit, but it loses the splash damage as long as it has an unit connected.

    Ability: Rotary Cell
    Bifurcates compton cannon into 2 separate cannons that do half damage and can fire up to 2 units simultaneously at 1.5 speed, or join them if they are already separated. Useful against hordes of enemies with low armor. Bad idea against armored units

    Well, it hasn't a background yet, 'cause I'm bad with unit stories, lol.
    Hope you like it

    See ya
  2. The Watcher

    The Watcher Guest

    It looks pretty good, but the protoss have their Phoenix for AA (but hey its good for changes to happen), and rail guns seem to Terran for my liking.
  3. Anubis_theDark

    Anubis_theDark New Member

    Sep 6, 2007
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    Change the railgun with a pulse laser type weapon and the rest is verry verry interesting. Also increase the AG damage to make it more of a medium sized ship (protoss would then be the only ones to have a medium size attack ship not just small fighters and big ships and i'm not talking about the caster ship such as nomad/science vessel). It would be nice to make the protoss fleet be more uniq and more diverse. Also by changeing the weapons dmg and maybe add the harden tempest shield would make this ship a good adition to the fleet. Overall great ideea. Full support here (with a few changes).
  4. Ursawarrior

    Ursawarrior New Member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    somewhere....not sure
    too many ideas for terran and protoss, wheres the zerg!

    ...........nice idea btw...... but i agree with the railgun, turn it into plasma cannon?
  5. Eagle

    Eagle New Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    Thanks for your answers.

    I changed the railgun for a compton cannon (the compton effect already involves photons) so it could seem more protoss-like, and also changed some part that said "0 shield" when i meant "0 armor"

    I didn't put a good ground attack because this ship is an aerial killer, so with a good ground attack it will be op. Its cannon attack is good against low armor units and for support damage (kinda Arbiter weapon, but a little more effective), where other units do the job for ground enemies, while Behemoth takes the aerial damage and returns it. But cannon attack suggestions will be well received. And the hardened shields will imba this ship because its main attack relies on its shield, and high damage attacks will do little damage to it. I mean that its counterpart are strong attacks rather than light & quick ones.

    I cannot explain me more 'cause I'm not very good with my english, lol. Sorry u.u
    Thanks again
  6. Anubis_theDark

    Anubis_theDark New Member

    Sep 6, 2007
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    Well for air killer we have the warpray - big armor killer and the phoenix - light ship killer. Bouth of them do their job verry good. The way i said your behemoth should be is somewhere between them. A good air killer but not excelent and a good anti ground combat unit but not excelent. A unit that would become excelent if it more than one.
  7. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    It sounds alright, but I feel that it needs to be brought together as a whole. At the moment it seems to be a bit of everything, everywhere. Just a quick question, how do you choose whether you attack an air target with the Compton Cannons or the Plasma Shock? Do you select which one is being used in the command menu? Like where it has "Move", "Stop", "Attack", etc, does it have two other options being "Compton Cannon" and "Plasma Shock"?
  8. Anubis_theDark

    Anubis_theDark New Member

    Sep 6, 2007
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    well... give the plasma shock a special effect and make it a auto-cast abillity. Give the ship 200 energy and each shot will take 6-8 energy. The special effect would be something that requires further brainstorming. With this you get get an offensive support air unit. My ideea ... since you called it plasma shock give it less dmg but an extra shock dmg that does 2-3 dmg/sec for say 10 sec with no posibility of restoration. It would be like a rezidual energy weapon. Or give it a special shield that with each shot the ship takes from ground target fires an energy weapon on a random enemy ground target. the more dmg it takes between shots the more dmg it makes. So like if this abillity would have 3 sec cooldown and in this 3 second it would recive say 50 dmg (comulated) it would return say 37 dmg (75%) while if it recives 30 dmg in this 3 sec it will return 22 dmg.
  9. New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    ok here goses my idea about a new protoss ship

    Protoss Void Warper:

    The protoss void warper would look like a tempest with the ablitiy black hole at the center of it. It makes attackers like a protoss carrier but its attackers would look like Soul Hunters but not called the same. There new name would be called Protoss Void Riders. They can target a unit and still move having a DPS attack just like befor and still swoop around causing chaos like a protoss carrier. The the size of the Protoss void rider would be fairly small to look sizeable to the main ship.


    The Protoss Void Warper is an extreamly spical ship. Why you might ask, at the coast of 100 energy it can wap in 5 units from 1 location to the ships current location.


    The Protoss void warper is not only coastly but can only have 4 Protoss void riders. and dosnt have alot of energy nor can it move very fast.


    Gets a speed upgrade and shield increase.
  10. Anubis_theDark

    Anubis_theDark New Member

    Sep 6, 2007
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    Question - the abillity black hole at the center - does that mean that when an enemy ship gets to close to the void warper it gets powned by the black hole? And what do the warp rider do except attacking while moving?
  11. New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    the black hole at the center of the ship is just for looks. and the void riders attack like the soul hunters did gaining extra damage after killing units, stacking 3 times
  12. eclipse

    eclipse New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    doesnt this overlap the role of the carrier a bit much?
  13. New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    well not realy if ur using it for the warp ability not at all
  14. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    From what you have said here, it appear to just be a Dark Templar's Carrier, that has a black hole in it for no particular reason. You have taken a whole lot of ideas that have been cut, and put them into one single unit. The Tempest was cut because it was too much like the Carrier, and players would prefer to produce Carriers instead of producing Tempests. The Soul Hunter was cut for multiple reasons. It did not have a Protoss look to it, it did not have a very innovative or popular attack style, in that it gained a more powerful attack for each unit it killed. The Black Hole idea was also cut (not that you have used it as an ability, but it is still the same idea) because it was extremely overpowered, and couldn't be nerfed.
    Extremely powerful ship because it can teleport units to its location? The Arbiter had this ability and it was definitely not an extremely powerful ship. The Arbiter's recall could teleport more than just 5 units to its location, and cost 150 energy.
    This is the downside to a Carrier that doesn't have Carrier Capacity upgraded.
    The speed upgrade would get rid of the weakness you gave it. You said that a weakness is that it cannot move very fast, so why would you give it a speed upgrade? It's like an upgrade that removes the Siege Tank's minimum range while in Siege Mode. Also, every unit on the Protoss team has a Shield upgrade.

    Overview: This is just a cross between the Carrier, Soul Hunter and Arbiter, with the Black Hole idea added, so it doesn't have any new innovative abilities and doesn't fill a new role. It is way too similar to the Carrier and the unit does not fit together well as a whole. For these reasons, I wouldn't like to see a unit like this implemented into StarCraft2.
  15. zeratulzerg

    zeratulzerg Guest

    looks good, but i like how the phoenix look . good idea tho
  16. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    England, United Kingdom
    Welcome abroad zeratulzerg!
    And great idea Eagle, it seems to have a good concept
  17. ServantSimon

    ServantSimon New Member

    Nov 27, 2007
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    It seems interesting but um those ideas have been axed like some one said. thou than again a multi role fighter that is ok at a few things but not specialized maybe what they need the fleets glue so to say an inbetween guy thou with sc blizzard seems to really be about specilization so i dont see it happening unfortunatly !