Hey guys i haven't seen this posted but if it has you can delete. This site have new Heart of the Swarm pics. It looks epic! http://www.insidegamer.nl/pc/starcr...ts/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter ACe
lol i just had to reset my password to post the same link. You beat me to it! But thanks for doing it for me! Cheers.
It looks like we'll be seeing a lot of the features that got swept under the rug for Wings of Liberty. Swarmlings look like a toned-down version of an upgrade that is in the editor, and the instant-spawn upgrade for Zerglings plays on the same idea as Mutant Larva. We're also seeing more bold Roach armor upgrades- possibly making Roaches stronger (in terms of armor) than vanilla Roaches during beta. In the pictures, we also see some new Protoss builings and abilities. There's the obvious "golden shield" thing, as well as a couple of unidentified buildings. These screenshots appear to confirm that Kerrigan will be the main character in the HotS campaign, despite the events at the end of WoL, and that much of it will involve customizing her as a hero unit.
And the teaser, which of course doesn't explain a damn thing: [youtube]6YwEI-ekDIk[/youtube] Also, three Zerglings per egg instead of two! Woop WOOP
War for the Brood title on like the fourth picture - She's obviously good and trying to get her or at least some of her brood under her command to aid her and Raynor's fight. Izsha - Something Kerrigan or other created for her placement. Kerrigan probably uses it to control her brood meaning her powers are probably limited but still somewhat there in some ways. Abathur - Same thing cept he was there when she was still the Queen of Blades. Evolve banelings? Wtf? You clearly have a battle with polar bears. Perhaps Kerrigan is looking for Santa's Reindear in order to make some new swarm. http://www.insidegamer.nl/pc/starcraftiiheartoftheswarm/screenshots/162661#anchor Rapid Genesis - Full set of zerglings birthed in the space within one second. Holy crap.
Here's what unnerves me - When the Overmind died most of the cerebrates went rogue and tried to take as much control over the Zerg Swarm as they could. Why aren't these two Zerg things trying to do the same? Abathur is clearly in control of evolving/mutating Zerg strains; what's stopping him from using the genetic information collected thus far to use that to his advantage? Neither of them see Kerrigan as the Queen of Blades anymore (implied by Abathur's statement) so what's keeping them loyal to her? In the meantime though, who else is hoping some new Zerg units/mechanics make it into multiplayer? Some of the screenshots had what looked like a beefed-up Queen - maybe they're bringing back the Lair/Hive mutations Queens had during WoL development?
I was thinking about that too. The cerbretes were attatched psionically I think to the overmind and Kerrigans new versions of those probably function the same way, but the difference is kerrigan didn't die, she just lost a chunk of her powers I'm guessing so they are still sort of tethered to her. Id be willing to bed at some points they waver during the upcoming story. You don't see raynor at all and I'm surprised about that. I figure she sends him awayso she can do what needs to be done on her own. On a multiplayer note... I just hope Toss and Terran get some benefits too. I figure each expansion they'll give each race new abilities/units but mainly focus on the race of the game with the only exception being to terran cus it'll be 2 games since they would have had any major upgrades while both zerg and toss have had recent upgrades.
There are a few gameplay videos on youtube and other various sc2 forums. I might post them on another thread..unless someone beat me to it. HotS is going to be more RPG orientated. Upgrading Kerrigan and her swarm...SWEET!
I think her being upgrades is because she's going to be playing a role in most missions as a hero character which I'm sort of surprised didn't happen in more of the missions through the Starcraft saga. Instead of getting a slightly stronger unit they are actually gonna give us something useful we're not affraid of dying and hiding it in a bunker surounded by defense. xD
Brood mothers and cerebrates have something in common ... leadership abilities, presumably based on telepathy. I rather doubt either Abathur or Izsha can give orders to the zerg, which means they're not a threat. (It's like picking a non-ambitious person to be your XO.) That was Za'gara, a brood mother. I wonder if she has similar abilities to the large/huge queen.
...like the original... Starcraft 2 interface? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqZm2gqihIo&feature=player_detailpage#t=57s old school what? the 5x3 button grid? the more-than-12-units-at-a-time selection? the hotkey tab buttons?
oh...nvrmind i thot i saw the old zerg graphics (the organic matter on top. shut up about oraganic matter being carbon-based, yada yada)