Hey All. I'm Death and a MASSIVE SC and SC2 fan. Well pretty much anything that blizzard makes i like, but anyway... i've always liked the SC universe but i've really been getting into the lore recently especially with the release of the shadow hunters series of books. so that means that you'll find me in that forum. id love to talk about the possible story line in SC2 and other things like that. so ya just wanted to introduce myself, say hi to all the SC fans out there and hopefully become quickly engaged in many discussions about all things Starcraft.
You're late, I've bitten into so many ppl that are just hanging there not quite dying waiting for you to take them, some of them have been there for months.
Im not a vampire, im something much more awesome. A lvl 40 warrior priest *****, prepare to be banished back into the foul realm from which you spawned. Oh, and welcome to forums death.