SCLegacy has released a preview to their upcoming new StarCraft fan-created cinematic. Based on events before and after the Starcraft and StarCraft: Brood War storyline, the cinematics are done incredibly well. Here's the new trailer: [youtube]DO7He-3cd_s[/youtube] Some of you might remember SCLegacy's original cinematic release entitled First Contact. If you haven't seen it, it's definitely worth a watch. Also, Blizzard recently featured some artwork from a French fansite's beta key competition that yielded some pretty impressive fanart. Here's my favorites: Sources:,
Must be a really slow SC2 news day for this to appear. Still I will say if I had to read any SC2 opinion articles I'd want it to be your ones. They are the best around. A little Terran biased at times but other wise top notch. . And here are some of my favourites from that art competition on the French site. I won't mention the one with Jim Raynor and the Protoss. Cause it's posted above by JonX. That's a beauty as are these ones below.