!!!ATTENTION!!! Tink[E] has reached his 1 year in Clan Empire. This is a huge deal for us as he has been loyal to the clan since he has joined. Tink[E] will be admitted into the clan legends as he has proven to meet the standards of a Clan Empire Member. He has done alot for the clan, and his most well-known act was when he was given Ops at a young rank, held ops against a flood, and was proven trustworthy from day one. Not only that, Tink[E] was very active on the forums, bringing it to life and helping out in everything that was impacting the clan. He has my personal gratitude, as he has always voiced his opinions in clan decisions, getting everyones input and bringing it up to the leaders as well as creating a brand new forums AND creating a In-Clan group. (TinkNation). For being active in the channel, forums, and everything else, he will be admitted into Clan Empire Legends, as well as reaching the status of Original [E] Member. It is my personal pleasure, to initiate Tink[E] into the legendz and the Original [E] Brotherhood.
GASP! With EMPIRE written on the back I will wear a speedo of lust as I swim into the sea of legendus! And I shall Gallop among the origins of E apon a midget doused in greese and flowerbed of sexx. O Shadow, take me to pleasure town. 12:34:52 AM | «Joseph» Tink ill put a dress only for ou a win x2 Remember children: Empire killa bee'z, we ina swarm! (Tinknation le failed project. It was good in theory, but unpopular as bnet stands drier then granny's panties)
I will keep it up for as long as I can. No harm no foul. I intend to also improve it, but this will probably be months to come as I dive more into CSS(just scimming the surface of now) and later into PHP. I have an Aion site project I want to do first as well. Also customization of a new or the current forum. All much to do, but for now tinknation.com will remain dormant. ^ ^