I don't know how many of you guys know about the new Batman movie coming out, but it's called "The Dark Knight," and it is the sequel to "Batman Begins" It's being advertised using a form of marketing called "Viral Marketing" in which word of mouth makes the product spread through societies and social groups, in much the same way that a virus replicates and spreads in exponential jumps. So basically, I'm infecting Starcraft2forum.org right now with this post > Anyway, there was a big thing going on in San Diego last week called Comic-Con, which is a big expo on comic art and stuff and all sorts of similar things (i'm no expert on it myself), and there was sort of a huge game being played through one of the sites that the marketing for The Dark Knight has been using. There was a countdown on whysoserious.com, and before it ended, there were directions to follow telling people to be in a park in San Diego and have a friend at a computer with internet access. What followed was a series of messages and riddles from the Joker (he is the bad guy in the new film, as well as Two-Face, played by Heath Ledger and Aaron Eckhart, respectively) that gave directions to the people on computer to relay to their friends on the ground. I heard about this after it happened, and was really heartbroken that a) I missed it and b) didn't live in San Diego, but was consoled by the fact that I b) don't live in San Diego. ;D I heard about it on this blog, run by my friend, you should check it out and follow the link to see what happened during the event, it's siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick :good: http://bestplayever.blogspot.com/2007_07_01_archive.html PS - here are the sites that are put out by the marketers for The Dark Knight, but you shouldn't visit the first one before you click on the link above and read through the events of the day, because they won't make sense at all www.whysoserious.com (read up first) www.ibelieveinharveydent.com (harvey dent is the real identity of the man who becomes Two-Face, if you didn't know) www.ibelieveinharveydenttoo.com (a parody by the Joker, it used to have a bar where you could submit your email, and every email address submitted would reveal 1 pixel of a picture of Heath Ledger as the Joker, and eventually the entire picture was revealed. it is now a cryptically "blank" web page... you can see the image @ http://www.aintitcool.com/node/32723 BEWARE!! CREEPY!!) Holy crap...a teaser....I just wet myself http://toysrevil.blogspot.com/2007/07/why-so-serious-its-only-dark-knight.html (or youtube it, work filters hinder me from doing so myself)
The teaser's pretty good. I liked the voiceovers. I've got full faith that this one will turn out great if it's anything like Batman Begins. I'm really glad to hear that it's probably gonna be very dark. Damn... Summer of 2008 though. Well, hopefully the movie just might take my mind off the wait of SC2 for oh... 2 hours? Heh.
Umm are you sure you sent the right link, Nikzad? I got a page full of Haha's when you highlight 'em but that's it. No date or nuffin...
I'll PM you the secret, then post your response on the thread, so I won't give the secret away to people who want to find it themselves
w00t! Christian Bale is best Batman ever!! Anyways, I don't get the ibelieveinharverydenttoo.com one. Musta been hell to code.
I'll just tell anybody and everybody to use MS Word and the "find" function (ctrl+F) to make your life easier