Tis the concept for the new ultralisk they had it enter battle and start ripping up marines and throwing there bodys.
http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Ultralisk#StarCraft_II Scroll down a bit, that art has been there for weeks, albeit in lower quality.
Nice avatar there.. Ahem, so yeah, would appear blizzard are playing with idea of a ranged grappel - 2nd evolution phase of ultralisk. I like the idea, i just hope its model, animations, and textures are badass aswell as how its utalised in the campaign. Tbh i dont really have plans for playing NORMAL starcraft 2 melee games xD UMS maps - campaign - and making custom campaigns for mee ;d.
Karune explains it on battlenet: "This is the original concept piece for the 'new' Ultralisk in StarCraft II. The tentacles were fun to watch while skewing marines, but in multiplayer, the 'random' factor of that skewing did not fit into the competitive gameplay nature of StarCraft as well."
See the new purifier artwork too here: http://www.sonsofthestorm.com/viewer.php?artist=samwise&cat=starcraft&art=34#_self The purifier is the new name for the soul hunter (and was also the old name for StarCraft: Ghost's vindicator). See the vindicator here: http://www.blizzforums.com/showpost.php?p=432981&postcount=9
<3 the Omegalisk would be sweet if it were real... and I had one... and rode it to school... and fed him... and played fetch with him... and fought various mystical beasts with him.