I was wondering if anyone could help me with a game or two, I can't even beat the AI on medium. Thanks...
A bit more info would be nice Like: your race, AI race, how you were beaten,etc. Also, have you played the campaign all the way through? If not, try that first
Sorry, I meant if someone could help me in game, but if you want a replay... Okay. Err... How exactly would I go about getting a replay where you can see it?
Oh, and I found out I CAN in fact beat the AI on medium after a few games online. I'm also really good at economy. In my last game, almost all my scores were nearly twice that of my opponent's.... But i still lost. I've been playing as zergs so far. I find only being able to build 1 unit at a time annoying. EDIT: Oops, sorry, double post. My bad. EDIT 2: Okay, I found out how.
i could play you in gameim 983*, but not sure how much help i can be should be on th 11th aug i will gladly try helping as my early game could always use some practice. *I think
Can you come on tonight? Also, another replay: I expanded fast and got mutalisks, enemy for some reason quit after he saw my mutalisks. Okay, I was looking around and i finally found my code: 118.