Hey all im quite a low level player and i play terran 90% of the time but i quite like the look of zerg and would love for a zerg player teach me the basics. Just like standard build orders, vital upgrades and unit complements etc. If you can help then private message me on here, add me on skype (tom.a.walker) or add me as a friend: midgetboytom #579
I played protoss for a bit but also wouldnt mind learning i spose good to know strengths and weaknesses of everything Would love to be able to play random ha. hit me on one of those contacts and im about to go to bed but i can play tomorrow. Im on EU server btw
It's too bad cross-region play wasn't implemented (yet?), I'd have gladly done a few practice matches with you. Here's a build order that I pretty much always start with: 10/10 - Spawning Pool 9/10 - Drone 10/10 - Extractor (it should be done constructing within a second or two of your spawning pool, allowing for instant teching if you want Speedlings) 9/10 - Drone 10/10 - Ovelord
Yeh i know that is frustrating, and cheers thats a start atleast. Ill try it against the computer but still would like a little help if anybody can offer it
wait a second do you make the duble-extractor-trick or something? cause i wouldn't go overlord at 10 suply cause that way you'll be suply blocked quite a bit I allmost allways go for spawning pool at 14 suply and then i expand at 20 suply cause at that point i prety much allready have 300 minerals so why not expand xD
Dont listen to what Kaaraa said about his "buildopening" thats just ridiculous. The REAL basic openener, if i say so is.... 0/9 drones 9/10 overlord 15/16 drones fast expand at 15 supply spawning pool at 14 supply then once the expansion gets done, send 5-6 drones to it and build a spine crawler infront of the expansion to protect it and scout after that, if u see that your opponent is going to rush you then get out 6 zerglings, thats all you need and keep getting more drones.
usually i go for 15Fe, 14ex, 13pool. that way you have around 70-80 gas by the time pool finishes, for ever faster speedlings.
Thanks for informing us about the truth robin. I was worried I'd never learn the true opening for zerg. Please let us know if you change your mind, since it'll have a heavy impact upon the way zerg is played, I'm sure. An opening is just that, AN opening, which is a way to transition into the mid-game with the strategy you have in mind. 15hatch14pool is a very good, solid, macro-oriented opening for zerg players, which works well against players that also go for a macro game. If you get cheesed and stick to your FE plan you'll prolly lose. There's no "REAL basic" opener just because you claimed it to be so. There are safe builds, economic builds, aggressive builds, you name it. 15hatch14pool is "A" very solid economic build. It has it's advantages and it's disadvantages: allow players to pick how they want to play their strategies out, even with non-REAL builds like Kaara's. If you, on the other hand, have any improvements to suggest to a proposed build, that will provide a more efficient way of doing what the player wants to, instead of saying "what you wanna do sucks, do what I like cause I said it", please be free to post about it. One of the 2 is constructive, the other is not. Just my opinion on the matter...
My default build order is: 9 ovie 15 pool 15 hatch 17 ovie My ~11th drone is my scout and if I see a rush I'll try to: 13 pool 12 extractor I think it's fairly easy to understand Zerg openings (e.g. pool or hatch first - early pressure or macro) so you shouldn't have any problems getting into playing them.