Need recommendations on early game strategies for zerg

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by visom1, Aug 3, 2010.

Need recommendations on early game strategies for zerg

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by visom1, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. visom1

    visom1 New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    Hi again,

    As mentioned in my other thread, my friends and I often like to do 3v3 or 4v4. My friend is a platinum terran player (he's very good) but doesn't play zerg too often (i'm zerg), but he seems to act like he know's all about zergs even though he's primarily a terran player.

    Basically, all he expects out of me in 4v4/3v3 situations is "rush with zerglings, then harrass workers with mutas", I often try to suggest different strategies but he says they're all bad.

    Does anyone know some other rush strategies that are a great follow up after zergling rush has lost their usefulness? I don't want to only muta harrass.


    BTW these are the strategies I suggested:
    -after zergling rush, go infestors instead of mutas
    -make banelings to counter ground forces when zerg rush is still useful, banelings tear apart light armors and can crack open ramps blocked by suply debots
    -nydus worm into enemy base
  2. Nerfday96

    Nerfday96 New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    if your gonna rush after hit queen then speedlings -> banelings,
    then pending on mu wanna hit dra or corruptor
    roach for tank if your gonna go dra or dra/corruptor if you can exp nicely
    if your playing 3v3 you should be able to get relatively big (banelings/corruptor/hydra/roach)
    in about 10-15 minutes after harass
  3. FFenix

    FFenix New Member

    Jun 16, 2009
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    3v3 / 4v4 isn't competitive, if all 4 people aren't rushing, they it's a chill game, and tell them to relax. Even 2v2 strats are limited. Go w/e you want. Pretty much in 4v4 everything is viable, if it isn't a quad rush
  4. KHaYMaN

    KHaYMaN New Member

    May 1, 2010
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    Not to be mean, but if he performs significantly better in the game-types (1v1/2v2/etc) he is "very good" at than you do then he does likely know more about what zerg is capable of (i.e. what works and doesn't) in those game-types. The reason is because, being better than you, he is exposed to a higher level of zerg play and knows what works against 'him' in those games. If we're talking about team games, then he also knows more about works in different matchup combinations, etc.

    Of course what applies in one game type doesn't necessarily apply in another, so if he is only really good at 1v1 his advice, while probably sound for 3v3/4v4, may not be correct.

    Again, I used a lot of conditionals above. But my point is you learn a lot about race not just by playing it, but by playing against it. The weakness there is that while you may be able to give advice about what you've seen work, you may not have much advice about how to execute it.
  5. cHowziLLa

    cHowziLLa New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    I am assuming you aren't a in platinum league, I would ask you to do the same, since we cannot rely on your macro;

    the reason why they are asking you to zergling rush, is because they know how to properly macro, so they need you to rush speedlings to set them back for them to guarantee the mid-macro game. If their push doesn't have enough effect, they want you to make mutas to finish them off.

    to answer your question, you could either
    go hydras/raoches and nydus
    go mutas like they asked
    go roaches and burrow, and help them put the pressure, by burrowing and harass them. regardless you are going to have to tech up.

    they don't want you to tech up to broodlords/ultralisk/infestors because that would take you too long to catch up to their macro... they need your help asap.. hydras are decent but are slow and you won't be able to mass up enough, so mutas are good because you have mobility and you dont necessarily need that many to kill their workers.

    you should macro properly by getting an expansion, you are playing the "support" role so don't get the closest expansion, leave those for your teammates unless they tell you they don't need it.