I've played about 5 games in the bronze legue and lost because the player has either built a circle of photos cannons or missile turrets around his base, how do you counter this if they have a huge air force because everything i've tried doesn't work ??? thanks
What race do you play? Terran: Siege tanks, and expand. Protoss: Immortals, colossi, and expand. Zerg: Speed zerglings, speed banelings, and expand.
Don't go over aggressive when you see it, at first because towers are very potent against small early game armies. Look at it this way--- every time they build 4 towers (3 if you're zerg) you basically cost him an expo/units. If you have a solid standing army at that point, just go ahead and block him off while taking control of the map. You pointed out that they are going for an air army, this is something that is pretty dangerous to deal with, especially early on. If you're terran- you are in a good position because you can siege up and just wail on his base. You dont need to worry about vikings because they are very weak on the ground, so you can just ignore them. Banshees though, can present a problem for two reasons. 1) They attack the ground while tanks/marauders attack air only leaving you with just marines to take them out. 2) They can go invisible, which can be devastating if your only defense is scanner sweeps. I recommend having some form of detection present at all times against a turtled air-terran if they are stuck but building up. Ravens are a viable option but you can also just build up some towers where your army is if you feel that you cannot break is ramp yet. If you're a protoss player, Immortals, Blink stalkers colossus even. It really depends what the other person is doing. If they go air then stalkers are deadly, but a strong ground army will eat them. I would recommend getting blink as fast as possible to counteract that. Just pop in, kill a tower, pop out. Pop in, kill a tech lab, pop out, or a queen if you can, just do whatever damage you can without risking all of the stalkers. If you're zerg, I recommend an early baneling bust and then sending the zerglings straight for the mineral line. If you hurt a 1 base turtler's economy then they are basically done. Afterwards you can expand to your heart's content, send waves upon waves of units and just play the waiting game because they are off to a slow start which is deadly for any 1 base play. Just watch out for invisible units and then do whatever you want, even try for some Brood Lords if they are turtled hard and you're taking it slow. as long as you dont sacrifice too many units to the towers, you counteract all of the money spent on them and render them useless. And also, as long as you appreciate the advantages the turtler just gives you, dont feel like you need to take them out early.
These guys are giving you the right ideas, nothing pisses off someone who wants to turtle more then to constantly having to rebuild the same stuff over and over again because you keep making them.
send air units as soon as you know he's building cannons and fly around the cannons and kill his nexus gg