Hi, I'm currently #3 in gold division and I've been doing quite well for who has been playing over a month, but lately I've been having problem coutering this 5 thor with lotsa tanks and blue flame hellions and some marines push. If my multas try to kill the tanks, the thors kill them. If I run lings, the hellions kill all of them. If I try to mind control the thors, the tanks smash my infestors. I'm assuming the only possible thing to stop that would be Brood lords, am I right?
Yes, but other combinations work as well, you just need to pay more attention to micro. Roaches would be considered the best against that combo, especially with tunnelling claws.
Tryed that, tanks kill them in like 3 attacks. Could just pick off one thor and my 25~ roaches were gone.
That was just an example, I was at 150~ food and so was he, I know that was one of the things that lead me to the loss. Still, even if I had more roaches, it would have ended the same way. The other game I tryed to magic box him with Mutas, didn't work aswell... I think the way is to tech to Brood Lords or have like 10 infestor to mind control them lol Edit: Just beat up a Toss and got to Platinum, wooho lol
hmmm... i dont really undderstand this. Roaches seems to own them pretty much IMO but what about ultralisks?
if you mirco'd properly you could probably win with infestor,broodlord and roaches first kill the tanks with the brood lords then fungal growth the marines and get the thors with roaches/broadlords while you do a counter attack with your infestors and lings (assuming you make them when you lose some units)
To be honest this Mech build isn't as strong as you might think. As Zerg you should be able to scout when his army moves out. When he does make sure to send infestors out to do fungals on the army then send in your Banelings and Speedlings. Even if your Banelings are "wasted" on the Thors and Siege Tanks it doesn't matter as your Mutalisks should be able to come in(magic-boxed) to clear the already weakened army. Then once Mind Control is completed you can take control of the Thors and engage with your entire army without any issue. If it reaches late game just switch to mass Broodlords and Corruptors. Zerg usually wins at this stage against Terran. I used this Mech build a few times on ladder and it seems with the "new" Infestors the Mech build is no longer easy to pull off.
I get it, but if I do what you telling me to, the following happens: Lings/Bane will die instantly to the blue flame hellions, if any survive the siege tanks will kill them. If I run with Roaches, the tanks will rape them. If I fly with the multas, even magic boxed, the thors and steamed marines will clean them. If I try to mind control, the hellions and tanks kill the infestors. I can fungo growth the hellions and marines, but as I get close do to so the siege tanks kill ALL my infestors, leaving me with roaches and lings and some mutas.
roaches pwn this so idk what you're talking about. Main composition should be composed of roaches, since he has nothing strong against them. Run some lings into his main line so his tanks will be tricked into firing on his own units. Come at him from more than one side, you're a zerg, use your zergness. Infestors are not for mind control they are for fungal growth, fungal growth the marines/hellions and they get ultrapwnt. Don't think you can just use the correct unit composition and right right on his army, this requires micro and proper positioning. Engage him on your own terms, meaning on your creep, where you can come at him from a few different sides, streaming zerglings in as fodder for the siege tanks. once your roaches are in position his stuff will melt.
total agreeance here, I find so long as i get decent MC's off on a couple thors + get a good surround with lings, your roaches will clean up the rest with ease replay? I dont see how your having difficulty