Ever since buying SC2 I've just concentrated on 1v1. Now I'm having fun playing through the story but I finished and I only have 25/29 missions done. Are there some missions that I missed that are secrets as how to unlock them? Does anyone have a walkthrough of how to obtain each mission and the order they come in. I don't need help completing them, I just want to be able to play them all! Thanks in advance.
There's a bunch of storylines that all have their own numbers, along with a secret mission. Matt Horner's rebellion against Mengsk, Tychus' artifact missions, Zeratul's prophecy missions... ...I'm missing some. Char. Uh...
The biggest ones are whether you SPOILER Spoiler Side with Tosh or Nova Side with that scientist lady or not
I think you can go to mission archives and do the branches, eg. tosh / nova regardless of which one you're helping you can still do the other in the archives
theres a secret mission. and you gotta do the alternative levels (the ones you didn't play since u chose to help X instead of Z in the story plot).