Hello All! I need help building a map. Lets see if I can explain what I want to happen with my triggers... Okay. event: Player owned unit enters region A. Action: 1 computer owned units spawns at region B ten times at one second intervals. computer owned units attack towards region A. Action: player acquires 1 mineral for each kill. Is there a simpler way to do this? I want the units to be spread out thats why I wanted to interleave the units created. I also want this trigger to stop after a certain number of units is created, that being 10 units. Thanks! This new map editor is awesome but sooooo over whelming. It appears that none of the old triggers from starcraft 1 were carried over
Event: Any Unit Enters Region Condition: Triggering Region == Region A Condition: Triggering Player == DESIREDPLAYER Action: Repeat Actions 10 times: -Action: Create DESIREDUNIT at Region B for COMPUTERPLAYER -Action: Order Last Created Unit to Attack to Region A -Action: Wait 1 Second Event: Any Unit is killed Condition: Killing Player? (You might have to do Owner of Killing Unit) == DESIREDPLAYER Action: Modify Player Property-Add 1 Minerals for DESIREDPLAYER I feel that all of these are self-explanatory. If you have any questions why something above is there, go ahead and ask. I will explain as best I can.
thanks a bunch, I figured it would be something to that nature but I actually could not find the exact triggers I was looking for, lol. thanks. I had the 10x's one but it only worked when the play entered or left the "region A"
Trying to figure out issuing an order to attack. I cant find attack, lol. but everything seems to be there! Except for conditions, I dont understand the and/or/not/comparison crap.
okay, Im trying to create 50 units at region A and make them attack towards Region B then I want it to end. I cant figure this out. I dont have an "Attack to" trigger anywhere...
ahhhh okay, will try that after work! Its not that this map editor is too difficult... its finding exactly what your looking for that difficult and time consuming. They should make a real search bar for units and triggers that will find what your looking for or what it thinks your looking for!
You just gotta be super methodical when using the GUI. Look at every single attribute you can define with every action, condition, and event. Be precise with your variables. Check over your work.