Need Critique on game! Replay Inside (Toss Player)

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by DirtySturdy, Jul 30, 2010.

Need Critique on game! Replay Inside (Toss Player)

  1. DirtySturdy

    DirtySturdy New Member

    Jul 30, 2010
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    Ok, so after 15 practice games finding out which race I want to play I went with toss. And so far I am getting owned in bronze league except for a couple games.

    This replay is me vs. zerg. I know I messed up in the beginning when I made a assimilator first instead of the gateway, but I don't think this is why I lost.

    I am a noob I know but can you guys give me some advice and critique on my game?

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  2. Prawn108

    Prawn108 New Member

    Jul 25, 2010
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    don't look up
    hmm reasons you lost... well obviously, because you didn't successfully expand. you actually didn't look that bad, but then again I was watching it at 4x speed. It was hydras vs stalkers the whole time, which are practically the same thing, but hydra is a bit slower, a bit flimsier, and a tad more damage and range... hydras really are good against a lot of things, but stalkers are more mobile. you could have researched blink and entered his base from the back and such. I didn't notice if your zealots had charge, but that would be a must, if you were so intent on using them. also, your minerals were frequently around 1000. try to build more constantly/consistently and use chronoboost throughout the game.

    what it all boils down to though is defending your expansions... he did a good job at overwhelming your army and your expo consistently...
  3. toochaos

    toochaos New Member

    Apr 29, 2010
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    key things of note your money was high alot of the time, use it if you have no mins build sentries they are awsome (forcefeild can beused to push ranged units back preventing all units from firing). against hydras as protss build a collosi or two with the range upgrade they do very well since you already had a robo it would have taken little to get one up. expanding can be scary, but you have to go for it, move your force down and keep making probes and units. Dont go for stargate tech vs mass hydra, they are very good at killing it. get blink and charge upgrades. but all in all i thought it was a good game
  4. DirtySturdy

    DirtySturdy New Member

    Jul 30, 2010
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    Hey, here is another replay if you guys don't mind telling me what I could of done better in this. I won the game but it was very close, felt like I could have done way better.

    I don't know a good P v P strat. so I went stalker/voids. I know I should of been using chrono boost more. I actually lost the last 2 games that were P v P and this one I barely squeezed by. Any help is greatly appreciated

    Thanks guys.

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