I'm a rank 8 Terran platinum player looking for some advice from other players about improving my game. I've only recently started macroing or microing or whatever there called and I'm not too sure I'm doing it correctly. Below is a replay of a TvZ game I had eariler, any advice on my build orders, units I use or anything else you can spot I'm doing wrong is very appreciated.
hi I just saw your replay, and although I am not a terran player, I think you made a mistake in that you went for MMM when you saw his banelings... Banelings are super effective against them, and if I was zerg, I would be pretty scared of thors that time. Also, you should've scouted out, preventing zerg from 3rd expansion on that gold mineral. Idk, I'm sorry that I can't help you much, I'm a zerg player, not terran.
From my experience stimmed marines own banelings, they just need to kite them to death. No need for thors imo. But If you got the resouces, a siege tank and some medivacs for heal and vision are you key to victory. Ravens against burrowed units. I always lose against this solid build and I hate it to death.
Thx guys i'll try those, what about my macroing? Am I doing it right ? and what about this stop macro thing how does one do that ?
first thing what was your plan going into this game, it looks like to win early with mass maruder. second you need more scv to start you had so few that realistically you couldn't produce out of a three rax optimally. so essentially your macro was not good as to have good macro means to be as effeciant as possible basically which means if you have three rax than you should be useing three rax all the time. where you fell apart that specific game is that you became overly defencive then switch to taeking air control with no ground units at all which means that his ground guys can just walk in and kill you. this is bad. imagine marines maruders, tanks and thors as your core substance ( or meat) and all the other things you can have such as banshee and helions and ghosts as some spice or flare you can throw in to increase your effectiveness in some situations but dont ever abandon the plan like you did ( stopped makeing MMM)
Agree with chaos. It's the same for me, if I mass mutas, the other player just needs to waltz in my base with enough aa units and destroy me, because air is more expensive than ground and he will win the race AND rape my army if it comes to a fight.