Anyone besides me here who plays the Nazi Zonbies mode in Call Of Duty 5? I think it is the best addition to a game ever. So funny. Especially when playing co-op with some others. I got to level 26 without using any glitches, along with a friend of mine. Anyone else who wants to share tactics and stuff? I am really looking forward to the new map, but decided to wait for it to become free. Is it any good?
I think it's great, but they really messed up on facilitating the use of custom maps, especially with the thing where you can only have 1 custom map loaded up at a time and have to exit the game to get another custom map ready. The free map pack map is awesome though!
The Nazi zombies are so fun. What I usually do is get the carbine(or is it the gewher.) And auto aim to save ammo until I've got enough to go into the back room. Once I am there i get the double barreled shotgun and just conserve ammo and hold my ground. If i co-op I usually get a partner to grab a thompson. Don't bother with the flame thrower though...
Lol. Me and the guy who I co-op with do this: Stay in the first room for 4 rounds, remove the sofa to the upper floor, grab grenader, remove sofa to other room at round 5, start buying from the magic box while browsing through the radio. Ever got the panzercheck or raygun? Hilarious. Also: go for the trenchgun. It wipes the floor with the double-barreled, because it has a clip of 6 and reloads faster. You should easily make it to level 15 and higher like that. Good luck!