I have succesfully made a small music video for NateSMZ's rap song, unfortunatly i suck at this, i am still learning... I got requested to make it by Jon, but unfortunatly if none of you like it, its fine, it only took 2 hours, but this is a BETA.... http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=FYNxrC4NTYY Original Text from Jon: This is not an Official one, unless NateSMZ loves it and wants to make it official. Thanks, Jack.
Hey man, This is pretty good. Could you make it line up with the rules I made for the Promotional Video Contest ? That includes putting our logo in, etc. But otherwise pretty darn good! I liked the ending nuke.
Aha! Finally a reply! Nah mate, i'll create a entirely new Video for that, i won't be using NateSMZ's song unfortunatly, but i;ll use some cool SC/Tech songs I hope people liked this, yeah the nuke brings the humour into it http://www.starcraft2forum.org/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=47&topic=5826.msg153603#msg153603
For some reason, i can never see video footage when it is inserted directly into the post. Is this a youtube video? My school network blocks it during the day
Ah, and now it decides to work. I guess it was the youtube blockage after all. On topic, that song and video were great! :thumbup: