[img width=465 height=80]http://img03.picoodle.com/img/img03/5/11/16/f_untitledm_a0ac7e8.png[/img] Snotty (Nikolay Linkov), MYM's professional gaming team website staff member, wrote an excelent article for Blizzard's StarCraft II Mothly Discussion : Terran Ghost in both professional and humorous ways combined. Using constructive criticism and arguing his statements, author created awesome and interesting article to read. They have been considered one of the Terran emblematic units, representing the height of human evolution, but in fact, in-game Ghost units are nothing more, but noob-toys. Apart from the cool "Nuclear launch detected" quote, they are just eye candy with no actual value. Compared to his predecessor, the StarCraft 2 Ghost is a supreme soldier with nice statistics, turning him into the swift killer it was supposed to be in the first place. But his currents stats remind me of an RPG character more, than a RTS unit. Make yourself a break by reading this 10 pages article at link below : http://www.mymym.com/en/article/532.html Bonus 400 minerals, new thread, relative interest.
Re: MYM's StarCraft II : Terran Ghost Pre-Overview! Thanks for bringing this up! owerup: I found this before and forgot to read it later. I'll read it now.
Re: MYM's StarCraft II : Terran Ghost Preview! I fully agree with author, how many of you have been using Ghost in BW? The only use for Ghost i see is combo nukes, but it's very risky, because it costs much. But, I had seen some great Ghost+Nuke tactic by Boxer twice, so it's not totally useless. EMP requies too much micro, and again, it costs much, Ghost's EMP is nothing if compare to Arbiter usability with 'freezing' upgrade.
Re: MYM's StarCraft II : Terran Ghost Preview! I still think we need to officially see the Ghost in action before we can really say how useful/useless it is. Plus, the whole point of units like this is to make skill matter. Only a legit Starcraft player will be able to use the Ghost to the full power of its abilities.
Re: MYM's StarCraft II : Terran Ghost Preview! This is a pretty retarded article for a "professional reviewer" despite his making a few good points. Most notably, he's pretty spot on about the effects of the EMP on PvT play in that it will be incredibly hard to counter. Personally I think the Ghost should have cloak as a default ability and require only 25 mana to begin. It would give Terran one of the earliest cloaked units and change the style of play. Instead of being totally susceptible to early game cloaked attacks, they'll now be dishing them out.
Re: MYM's StarCraft II : Terran Ghost Preview! He might be a proffesional rewiever but he certainly isn´t a previewer. His points might be valid IF we were in beta already. He also got some facts wrong like the 50 starting energy. (he thought it was the early max). If the ghost will work nicely against Zerg can only be said once they are revealed - maybe overlords need to upgrade detection? Right now the question should be: Can EMP work on the Ghost? Not whine: OMG IMBA!. He can make a review AFTER he saw the Gold Master Ghost, before that it can only be a preview - and there is a significant difference between thouse two.
Re: MYM's StarCraft II : Terran Ghost Preview! I really wonder why this is on the front page news when we already have a few topics that outline everything he just said in pretty good detail. I didn't think this article was very engaging on my part but maybe it is just me. He should not even be comparing the Ghost to it's original StarCraft counter-part. Many years have passed since the Brood Wars and I am definitely sure that the Ghost program saw some extensive changes. P.S. Topic title should be changed to Terran Ghost Overview instead of Preview.
..did the ghost change, or did his equipment change? And the article is just full of whining, nothing more.
I hated almost this hole Ghost review. Bashing snipe was a bad idea because picking off tanking units like Zealot will be useful. He only said using snipe to take out tactical units would be useless, Not true. He bashed drop pods when the pods are a clear insert of units with out having your stupid ass dropship blown out the sky. Lets also add u have to build starport + the add-on + making the dropship + moving it around while it can be shot and ( IT ONLY DROPS UNITS 1 BY 1).... I'd prefer a drop pod. Watching him poke front at there life was down right useless and point. WTF is he looking for, they have medics and there only humans, what dose this pansy expect a 250 hp unit with SNIPE.... no blizzard doesn't work that way. Personally i questioned if the author is even a SC player. The nuke is fairly risky as hell and should only be used by the incredibly stupid or a highly lucky person. Emp dose not require too much micro because most good players would not even have there snipers standing on front lines in the first place and if the Emp has as much range as the ghost it self there really should be no problem. I'm wondering why this guy even went out of his way to bash a unit that has had such a drastic change its really overpowered???? The ghost is going to make and break people in SC2, unless blizzard degrades it from it's current standings witch it most likely will
Yes, he is. Didn't you ever heard about MYM? Well, Boxer used it. Are you talking about UMS maps games? ;D I agree with him. It sounds like balance issue...
lol i like ur respons to my post PKZeppelin. I have never herd of MYM so in my opinion hes not thAt great(even if he really is) and if Boxer is good at nuking i tip my hat to him cause hes got some major skills and/or luck on his side.
I would have expected this to be a blog on someone's live journal or myspace, not a feature. This article had a lot of whining. He bashed all of the abilities; abilities are useful when used... correctly. All you need is some strategy and imagination (luck too ) Snipe is very strong, and it would be largely effective vs Zerg, since they are all biological; even if they have strong armor, 50dmg is still a good hit. Since ghosts tier 1.5 you can have a few and focus fire. They can even outrange a Guardian or Reaver. 35dmg vs light armored units is not something to laugh at. Zerglings (and likely banelings) are 1 hit KO's. 5hits kills a Zelot. Snipe takes a Zealot down to 1hp. Focus fire; 3ghosts, and 2 volleys means one less zealot, and at range 10, even charge wouldn't save it. Ghosts are clearly turning into assassin units, they will wreak havoc on smaller units, from very far away, meaning serious threat reduction from assaults. A ghost could kill most casters with ease as well, or EMP them so they can't cast. Pro's more effectively use good abilities, so why would a pro so quickly ignore these feats? He clearly hasn't been looking at forums or even Karune's posts, because people have come up with very clever uses for these abilities. He also lacks imagination. (I messaged a MOD to put up a post by Karune going into specifics about Ghost Damage, but I was ignored...)
I do agree with some of what he said though. For instance, I say EMP needs to go back to the Nomad. As far as cloaking goes I hope we see some changes with the overlords. Makes more sense to have a different unit play the detector role, because as-is it's near impossible to pull off any offensive stealth op against zerg.
But taking away Zerg originality in order to make a cloaking strategy easier for the opponent isn't such a great idea. Plus it makes strategizing more interesting. Ghosts already can do massive damage to any kind of Zerg unit, simply because they are all biological.
If they're not light armored it only does 50 damage. Yay. Maybe you're right but it is a pain. Is there another way we could make Zerg detection unique?
True, but 50dmg isn't that small, how many units can do 50 damage from range 10? At that range, cloaking is effective because you have 360 degrees of range in which the character could have attacked from, so escape could be easy. 25 energy isn't much, so it could be used several times, and that is a single ghost, imagine a small group of 3!!! Remember: smart casting is now available. Also, Zerg don't have a lot of HP, so 50 to an Ultralisk, is a small dent, but a battle cruiser did 25 right? 200energy max is 8 shots, enough to likely kill an Ultralisk. A group a ghosts is most likely, so divide that amongst the group, or if you had infantry support to also do damage. Sadly a few ghosts could take out my guardian before it could even see them, cloaked or not :O!