My Zerg Resource Mechanic Solution(Idea)

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by lurkers_lurk, Aug 1, 2009.


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My Zerg Resource Mechanic Solution(Idea)

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by lurkers_lurk, Aug 1, 2009.

  1. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    Yes, I'm posting about this old topic, I personally believe that the Resource Mechanics that the Terran and Protoss have far outstrips what people believe to be the Zergs Resource Mechanic. Spawn Larva is not a Resource Mechanic, it is a very versatile Unit Production Mechanic, just as the Warpgate and Nuclear Reactor are Unit Production Mechanics, if less versatile. While Spawn Larva can increase your income by allowing you to produce Drones, it still requires resources to produce those Drones, not pure Energy like the Proton Charge and Mules, and it doesn't solve the problem of what you do when you both reach worker saturation, and they are able to mine more than you with their abilities.

    Would you consider Warp-In and the Nuclear Reactor to be Resource Mechanics if those Unit Production Mechanics would have been able to Produce workers, while still being able to be used for what they do now? I doubt many would, they would just be slightly more versatile.

    Now onto the ability:

    Name : subject to whatever is suitable(aka I hate making up names for anything)

    Energy Cost : subject to balance(aka Blizzard is better at it then I am)

    What does it do : It is an AoE ability that allows the Drones to receive the Speed Bonus effect that the Creep gives for a limited amount of time(again balance blah blah... Some of you might go doesnt Proton Charge also do that? I've looked, but only found that it only affects how much minerals the Probe mines, not their movement speed.). Note: I'm debating weather I should(or should not) add that they mine faster with this effecting them.

    Where it is researched at: Hatchery or Lair(balance blah blah...)

    Where it comes from: the Queen by replacing Transfusion, my choice comes from the fact that I find that ability on the Queens to be pitiful, do to the fact that if the enemy comes close enough to make you use that ability, its already over for either the building or unit, do to the fact that your army is most likely decimated by that time, oh and most likely you wont have enough energy to use it because you used all of it on Spawn Larva. Another reason is that I like the Energy tension between choosing getting more units, getting more resources, or expanding your creep allowing your units to move faster(like how the Terrans have to choose between Mules, Scans, or more Supply). Last reason, its unique by the fact that its on an unit instead of a building.

    Thank you for reading all of this, and please share you opinion on this. Mods, if you want to merge this with another Thread for being to similar go ahead, I just want to know what people think of my idea.
  2. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    I don't know what I think about the Drone speed boost in particular, IMO it could be anything as long as it simply increases economy, but I do like the way you add an economy mechanic while keeping Spawn Larvae which I for some reason always imagined would be replaced in a scenario like this. It does indeed give the Zerg player three interesting spells to choose from, all of them useful in different ways.
  3. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    The creep-boost is already dodgy (why exclude drones?) so I would not tamper with it. I would rather see the queen change the mineral patch (remember mutate mineral patch on the ovie) in a way that it allows two drones to mine from it, doubling the income for a subject to balance period of time.
  4. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    That was pretty well defined, stating that spawn larvae is a unit production mechanic much as the other 2 races new techs. Before everything else, the 1st thing I want to know is if the SC2 zerg economy be as much like as it was in SC1 wherein they numerically dominated the harvest race? I couldn't see why there was no zerg harvest mechanic that was developed. I am thinking that perhaps the harvest rate is still decent enough that they estimated zerg having no economic problems to start with.

    But we have to note that spawn larva is quite a powerful versatile ability compared to nuclear reactors and warp ins since the amount that the skill cuts from resource is by a size of a hatchery that has no unit production limitation. This could be one of the factors that they focused on. Still I can't get it out of consideration why zerg has nothing.

    Now about the idea, I believe that it is an ability that is lorewise more suited for the overlord. The queen imo is already dedicated to defense and nothing else, whereas the Overlord sounds like a Slavelord (with his tentacles) that whips its workers to work their ass on the field, but the problem there is that the zerg workers/units doesn't have a brain to think of fear, because they are designed like ants that do their job for a single purpose only thinking of nothing else.

    About the queens transfusion, there's only a few scenarios that I can see it useful.
    * Defense - yeah.
    * Offense - ultralisk heal?, sunken colony march attack lol, (can she target herself)
    Was it worth it? maybe, but most of the times that a zerg player is not on defense, which I think could mean that zerg times are changing indeed knowing that they get better on the mid to late tier. Transfusion could be useful but it is not something that will generally be of use, much as you have already explained that spawn larva is the main queen purpose right now.

    More about the queen on her 3 possible energy usage crisis:
    * The spawn larva ability of the queen almost guarantee that she will always be out of mana, but I believe that a player can also make more than 1 queen so it is possible that a player can easily handle this stress as long as he can manage to handle his resources well. I can't say anything about the creep expansion ability much because I believe that it's very likely the least skill that a queen will ever use imo.
    * Transfusion vs. Resource mechanic - resource gathering will always be a tough priority to take over a situational ability of the queen. (makes me want to have back the tumors back instead) But right now I think that transfusion is more useful for the queen if she will ever be keeping her status as a defensive specialist (is she still one?). Honestly I just want to say that this ability's quite un-Queenish to me compared to transfusion.

    To sum it up, I honestly want any resource mechanic for zerg and this is one acceptable idea.
    PS: The only reason I would not accept no resource mechanic change is when it becomes clear if zerg does not falter behind from terran and protoss economy even on the other 2's new mechanic.
  5. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    This seems like an alright idea. If implemented, the Terran would have extra workers for energy, the Protoss would have extra gathering for energy, and the Zerg would have extra speed for gathering, which is different enough to be acceptable. HOWEVER, if it is at all possible to balance the game WITHOUT giving a resource mechanic to the Zerg, I'd be all for it, simply for the sake of making the Zerg a little bit more unique.

    Keep in mind Blizzard will find out real fast in the beta if the Zerg are truly disadvantaged due to the new resource mechanics of Terran and Protoss (something a lot of our forum members have been wrongly assuming). At the moment, it must at least seem fine since Blizzard hasn't already added such a thing.
  6. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    The problem with her going on the offense, is that she is incredible slow off Creep, so trying to keep her with your army so she can heal an Ultra maybe 2 would make your army as slow as... molasses in Alaska during winter, and using Overlords to spreed creep just so she can go out is suicidal for them, but using her energy to create tumors to do the same would drain her energy from being able to use Transfusion, which is ok I guess since for the most part there isnt really any other unit to use the ability on so you can focus the beginning part of the game to expand your creep, but by the time you have Ultras, they would have detection allowing them to kill the tumors, thereby negating the effort in the first place...(each time I get into the Expand Creep VS dangers of doing so I feel like strangling the person in Blizzard that created the idea of Creep).

    I'm not sure if she is able to heal herself, I do know if you had 2 they are able to heal each other.

    I still wanted to create the energy tension, the same thing can be said about building more Obelisks for the Protoss(even if they have the least energy tension, or making each of your CC into an OC for the Terrans.

    that is a matter of opinion, but it seems to me, that Blizzard is turning her away from that(even with the recent move of Transfusion to her) and into a Base Management Unit.

    I know, but but that doesnt stop me from deluding meself into thinking that Blizzard is deluding themselves into thinking that they are not deluded.
  7. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Im going to repeat what I have said many times.

    Zerg is fine. Terran and Protoss are a bit to strong, so the dark pylon and the drop pod should for example get a bigger cd. The Zerg and Protoss + Terran mechanics are fine.
  8. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    The Cobra was fine and could have been balance to fit the game, and yet it was taken out and replaced with the Hellion. just because things are fine doesnt mean they have to stay that way, then again this could be turn around by saying change for the sake of change is not always good.

    Anyway lurkers_lurk real purpose here is to find out how many people like the idea, people post ideas all the time, at least they used to, but in a sense all it became to in the end was weather people liked it or not. lurkers_lurk would like it if his mechanic was implanted into the game, but knows that he would sooner spontaneously ignite into a roaring inferno of emerald green flames before that happens.
  9. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    furrer wants to tell lurkers lurk that he liked especially this from his post:

    "then again this could be turn around by saying change for the sake of change is not always good."

    furrer thinks unnesecarry things are unnesecarrt.

    furrer things that lurkers lurk idea is interesting, but that it looks to much like a race called protoss's idea, which lurkers lurk also pointed out. furrer things that lurkers lurk make's interesting ideas non the less.
    furrer ends the discussen with pointing out that red flames are better.
  10. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    In a way, freedom23 understands that one possible root cause of this is the ''inferiority complex'' against the other 2. Come to think of it, when we sum it up, all the goodies and flashy stuff are mostly terran and protoss. Furthermore, resource mechanics were implemented on the other two races. This occurrence led some humans rationalize that zerg is being discriminated.

    Personally the me that tries to understand this could have prematurely misjudged it. I guess that freedom23 is not the type of person that is not satisfied without a proof of basis (freedom sees water for what it is).


    Nonetheless, never have we seen that zerg dominated unit production, harvest, and even pressuring its enemy, thus it never stops bugging me to determine.... Something is definitely wrong here.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2009
  11. Bthammer45

    Bthammer45 New Member

    Jan 8, 2009
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    For some reason blizz groups the spawn larva thing into the reasource pool.

    One idea I had is that drones somehow become immobile near the patch and can mine without takeing them back the hive/lair/hatchery maybe some tenticles that come out of the creep and lead back the the H/L/H which connect to the drones?
  12. Redlazer

    Redlazer New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    They need to remove the goddamn resource thing already. It's a stupid idea, just like the new gas mechanic was. Give us meaningful gameplay mechanics, not this gimmicky sh*t.
  13. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    They are trying to improve Macro APM, since most / all of its been taken out do to Auto-mining and MBS.

    the Gas mechanic was a stupid Idea tho, It offered no advantage, happened weather the Player wanted it to or not, and just piss people off.

    the Resource Mechanics I think are ok, its the Player choice to decide if he wants to use it or not, while using it gives you an advantage, but also using it can use up energy that you might of needed for something else.

    If you want Meaningful gameplay Mechanic that improves Macro APM and not be gimmicky, then please give me your idea.

    but I still lol,

    step 1: Add Auto-Mining and MBS, reducing Marco APM, pissing people off.

    step 2: Add a different way increasing Macro APM, and pissing people off.

    step 3: ???

    step 4: Profits!!!!!!!
  14. Redlazer

    Redlazer New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    I don't feel like there's a need to increase APM with the new mechanics they added; Honestly, most APM involves rabidly selecting the same units over and over for no reason, almost compulsively. And talented players are still going to have extremely high APM; they'll still be grouping their units in small formations, not using the new unlimited selection mechanic. That was basically made for attack command tards, if you ask me.
  15. Bthammer45

    Bthammer45 New Member

    Jan 8, 2009
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    Starcraft 2 is already a really faced paced game to begin with thats what the minerals mined was decreased from 8 to 5.

    Really though its unfair to have 2 races with a mineral gathering mechanic and one without so i say remove it or simply give the zerg one slightly different then the other 2.
  16. Redlazer

    Redlazer New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    I don't like these mechanics; if you want more resources, expand. This just promotes turtling strats and poor map design to defend the mechanic.
  17. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    "promotes turtling strats" ... sure... you will just lose against the person that expands, and or, uses his Resource Mechanics while not turtling.

    but im not sure how this would "promote... ...poor map design to defend the mechanics".
  18. Bthammer45

    Bthammer45 New Member

    Jan 8, 2009
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    or they could just give the speed boost for drones on creep as a upgrade at the lair seems like that would solve the problem
  19. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    It would be an upgrade for hovering units like drones and (touching on the passed vulture) and the archon is also classified as a hovering unit (as well as all works) this is why they don't triger spider mines.
    So re upgrade would increase all hovering units speed on creep. (zerg only)

    I have an idea tho, the overlord spilts creep all over right? Well give it the ability to spill creep on minerals that allows either 2 drones to mine at a time or speeds up time or what ever. Or it could spill a creep that once spilled it would have a lengthy cool Down and would make all units on the creep have even more speed.

    Does anyone like these ideas! This would use something that is readily availible like spells using energy of the other races, the Zerg just change the creep to their liking.
  20. Redlazer

    Redlazer New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    Maps with a larger emphasis on choke points, less expansion locations, larger starting mineral fields, etc. I still don't see the point; if you want more minerals, expand, go for those shiny new yellow crystals they gave us. Or build some more goddamn workers, what's the problem?

    As for increasing APM... Alright, you hit one button, it summons a bunch of worker, makes your workers move faster, etc. Wow, huge contribution to APM. It added one or two more clicks.