My upcoming Diablo 2 Chronicle

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by Ximnipot69, Jan 5, 2008.


What class should I play for my chronicle?

  1. Assassin

    0 vote(s)
  2. Amazon

    0 vote(s)
  3. Barbarian

    0 vote(s)
  4. Druid

    0 vote(s)
  5. Necromancer

    0 vote(s)
  6. Paladin

    0 vote(s)
  7. Sorceress

    0 vote(s)

My upcoming Diablo 2 Chronicle

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by Ximnipot69, Jan 5, 2008.

  1. Ximnipot69

    Ximnipot69 New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    I'm thinking about writing a Diablo 2 chronicle, so you guys can follow my character from lvl 1 through the acts all the way to the Worldstone Keep on Hell difficulty... I don't have any idea for a char yet or anything so thought I'll let you help me with by doing a poll. What type of character do you want me to write a chronicle about? The poll will be open until January 15th. If you have any more specific suggestions then go ahead and post it in this thread. Please remember that this more of a roleplay exercise then a how-to game guide, it should be something that's fun and interresting to read.

    • I will play solo on my computer, no multiplayer. Bnet only lets me play for 10-15 minutes at a time. :(
    • I will use 8 players difficulty as much as possible to get more experience points (with the /players 8 command)
    • I will use the third party program ATMA v5.05 to equip my character with items I have found previously during my many years of playing so the lack of good stuff will not be an issue.
    • I will upload pics on Photobucket so you can see me in action.
    • I will try to complete all quests on all difficulties.
    • I'm not sure about how fast I will play or how much I'll write each time...
    • If you want it I can make the character available for download if you want to play it yourselves when the chronicle is finished.
    • If you want me too I'll use PlugY v7.01b so I can go up against Uber Diablo and Pandemonium Tristram

    I know how to play Diablo 2. I've been playing it for years. I've beaten the game solo on 8 players difficulty with all the classes many times over. I'm just out of ideas right now. Some of my earlier chars:
    • Enchantress - melee sorc with Mana Shield and lots of fire dmg with a Might merc wielding a Doom cryptic axe
    • Glass-Cannon - all dex amazon, no points in vitality, hardcore, very fun to play :D
    • StrikeYouDown - meleemancer with Passion phase blade, Chains of Honor dusk shroud, Stormshield, Mara's Kaleidoscope, Vampire Gaze with a Ber rune, Laying of Hands, String of Ears, Goblin Toe, Raven Frost, Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band
    • I've made a barbarian based on Wolfhowl
    • I've made a Bearadin (Werebear from the rune word Beast)
    • a Tesladin, a paladin that uses Zeal and Holy Shock
    • a Boltress (sparkly! ^_^)
    and the list goes on and on.... I have the knowledge, I have the skills, I have the items, I have the time... The question is: what type of character do you want me to write a chronicle about?

    EDIT: I have started the chronicle here
  2. Light

    Light Guest

    Re: SC2F Diablo 2 Chronicle

    This sounds great

    Now, I have to see, you will be playing normal difficulty, end result around level 40?

    If so, I suggest (Being a Paladin player) to take a zealer. He is basic, strong, easy and cheap, he is going to be great in Single Player.
    You should have these skills- Zeal, Sacrifice, and then from level 30 put skills into Fanaticism. Also, consider some skills into Holy shield, and something I found to be great, 1 point into holy fire early on will be GREAT, enough keep it as your main aura till you get fanaticism. Yes, even better than a point into Might. The reason for that is that it will add more (fire) damage to your weapon than Might and the aura pulse attack, even though very small, will STUN all surrounding monsters, which is great, especially for a melee character. So Instead of Might, 1 point into Holy Fire! Also it will be great to kill the low-level Monsters.
    For stats, remember to put NO POINTS into mana, most points into Strength and Vitality.
    As for equipment, low-level gloves such as Hand of Brok, Bloodfist, etc. and Weapons with Life Steal is very important and good to have. A heavy defence armor and shield (Make it a paladin shield with good resistances) is also vital. And of course a good sword. Scepters early on, then go for the weapons with the highest base speed, with zeal you will be very fast and of course, it works great with Life Steal.
    Low-level runewords are especially good to have, make sure you check regularly.

    If another class, I would say a Necromancer, more specifically a Fishymancer, a character who uses summoning skills. Its a very cheap and effective character, allegedly the easiest one in the game. Great for Single Player and hence poorer players. Gear is almost unnecessary (Yet good to have), people with naked fishymancers could do Baal, as all the fighting will be done with your skeletons. With Corpse Explosion, you will be able to kill masses in seconds. I heard a lot of praise for this char, as well as having one who could do act 4 nightmare alone with just level 54, and average equipment!
    Skills to upgrade are Raise Skeleton, Skeleton Mastery and Corpse Explosion. Curses, such as Amplify Damage will be your main ''attack'' and vital help for the skeletons. The way my Fishymancer done it, would have put skills into Raise Skeleton and Skeleton Mage, with some skills into curses, that was enough for me, and might be better than the former suggestion, which is more centered at a level to do Nightmare and Hell difficulties, and long-term play.
    For gear, a rare wand or one with extra skills into skeleton magic is preferred, the rest doesn't matter much.
    Remember to put a lot in Vitality, as Necromancers aren't that strong, what also reminds you to put points into Strength.

    So my basic advice is to make a Zealer Paladin, yet the Fishymancer could turn out to be even more effective and easier character.

    Other Classes may work, but I consider these to be the best choices, as the other are much more difficult and more good-equipment and high-level based.

    Edit: Judging from the poll, I strongly don't suggest you take a barbarian, too few good skills and an uncomfortable low-level build.

    Good luck!
  3. Light

    Light Guest

    Re: SC2F Diablo 2 Chronicle

    Well, if so, it sounds like you don't have a single mainframe character. Start a cookie-cutter, I would like to see you play Hammerdin. Since you're all knowing, I bet you're an expert on him.

    Also, give me more info on your Tesladin, I wanna see him beat my concept.
  4. Ximnipot69

    Ximnipot69 New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Re: SC2F Diablo 2 Chronicle

    I've tried to play a Hammerdin, but it's hard for me. I it's not my style of playing... Here is a pic of him right now: MCHammer

    Nikola the Tesladin: level 84ish (as far as I can remember, it's been a while since I played him)
    Zeal 4, Holy Shield 20, Holy Shock 20, Resist Lightning 20, Salvation 20
    Lightsabre, Chains of Honor, Herald of Zakarum, Vampire Gaze, String of Ears, Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band x2, Goblin Toe or War Travellers, Crescent Moon or Mara's Kaleidoscope
    as many offencive aura +skill Grand Charms I could get, some Shimmering Small Charm of Vita and other random stuff
    Might merc with Chains of Honor, Doom and Delirium
  5. Light

    Light Guest

    Re: SC2F Diablo 2 Chronicle

    Well, the gear is good, but definetely not suitable for a tesladin, as its not such a good idea to make one if you're not ladder (multiplayer), without the runewords Dream. You should have better made a Zealer with this eq, so thats what I'm suggesting.
  6. coreyb

    coreyb Guest

    Small but useful post, assassin for the win! :D
  7. Ximnipot69

    Ximnipot69 New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    It is now less then 17 hours before my poll ends. Please vote if you haven't done that already...

    And I still want some ideas for builds and names...
  8. Ximnipot69

    Ximnipot69 New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Since kuraikozo changed her vote from necromancer to druid a few days ago we now have a tie between sorceress and druid (4 votes each). I have decided to go with druid for this first one and if you want me to do another one then it'll be a sorceress.

    A big thank you to everybody that voted! :thumbup:

    As a little bonus I'm including this great druid picture from Arreat Summit. I love it! :D

    [img width=300 height=431][/img]
  9. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

    Oct 9, 2007
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    What spells do you use for your druid. I've tried his summon spells, but they are much weaker than the necromancer's. I leveled up his attack spells, but I couldn't beat Baal on normal mode! He is the only character class I've really tried as that I just can't win.
  10. Ximnipot69

    Ximnipot69 New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    I haven't been able to do a good elemental druid... The long casting delays and low damage makes it hard to kill stuff. That's one of the challenges in Diablo2 I haven't done yet...

    The summoning skills are for support only, they aren't good enough to build an entire character around. Wolves can be used as meat shields while you kill stuff with Fury or Feral Rage, but they can't do much by their own in Hell...

    I'm gonna do a shifter, probably a wolf. I'm not gonna start playing him until tomorrow next week. I still have to decide on a name. I have 3 to chose from: Eochu Airem, Mug Ruith or Dalgn.
  11. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    awesome pic
    I had wolf once, he was very strong, but was missing hits like 90% of the time. The only problem I had with diablo on normal was that I couldn't hit him -.-
  12. wraith_q

    wraith_q New Member

    Nov 28, 2007
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    I can't vote, as voting is closed now, but I always liked Assasin and Necromancer in Diablo2
  13. Ensomgrav

    Ensomgrav New Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    you can make the game harder for more xp? /player ??
    i wish i had known that before.
  14. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    yes, " /player 8 " makes the game think there are 8 players so monsters are stronger and give more exp accordingly
  15. Ensomgrav

    Ensomgrav New Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    cool , i'll have to try it when i get home, you dont have to down load any thing?