My UED concept race. (Alpha version)

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, Feb 23, 2008.

My UED concept race. (Alpha version)

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    im still currently working on it. anyway heres a glimpse alpha version of it. lol


    some innovations and mechanics for the UED race:

    actual speed increase (attack and movement).

    aerial static buildings.

    no damage and defense upgrades.

    launch and drop vehicles deployment mechanics.

    swtiching, mountable, and unloadable unit on or from vehicle mechanics.

    relies mostly on type of enforcer and mount tactics for winning battles.

    uses different type of observer for ground and air.

    High supply count acquired directly from main base and sub base.

    Fast building and unit creation but very expensive.



    my mechanics for the ued are base and mix of battle realms and warhammer 40k plus my own original ideas.

    the detailed complete mechanics, lore, UED buildings, complete unit and building artworks, UED heroes, etc will be put in the final version.

    current complete and official names of UED units:

    UED reacon drone
    - miners, ground building deployment, and ground observer(upgrade).

    space drone
    - air observer, and space building deployment.


    Ground attack units:

    Enforcer - basic infantry unit of the UED. enforcers can be trained and enhanced into either a zodiac or genesis enforcer.

    **Zodiac enforcer - trained and enhanced enforcers, carries an ion cannon and fires at long range

    ***Boxer - mech type deployed from main base or sub base. zodiac enforcers mounted on a ued mech, will create a boxer type ued mech.equipped with long range dual ion canons.

    **Genesis enforcer - trained and enhaced enforcers, increase attack and movement speed.

    ***Gunner - mech type deployed from main base or sub base. genesis enforcers mounted on a ued mech, will create a gunner type ued mech. fast movement and attack mech with auto cannons and can pass through cliffs (research).

    Mantis - tank type deployed from main base or sub base. fast hover ground vehicle that is very versatile against both ground and air units. the drivers are UED enforcer by default but can be mounted by genesis or zodiac enforcers on its back attack cockpit.

    - tank type deployed from main base or sub base. Huge tank type vehicle that can transport, protect units inside it. It can also auto repair damage mechs and vehicles inside of it. Main UED ground caster.

    Lancer - powerful UED mech. can be created by the shiva air unit. one shiva unit will create a single lancer. can only be driven by hamedo enforcer. Ground observer.

    Hamedo enforcer - the most powerful type of enforcer that are more powerful than a terran average ghost and can even match agaisnt 2 to 3 zealots. ground caster.


    Air attack units:

    FIrehawk - ued enforcer main ata space fighter. Can be upgraded into a zodiac chimera or genesis black panther.

    **Chimera - trained and enhanced enforcer space pilot and upgraded version of the firehawk spacecraft. Zodiac enforcer space fighter that are speciallized in long range orbital strike.

    **Typhon - trained and enhanced enforcer space pilot and upgraded version of the firehawk spacecraft. Genesis enforcer space fighter that are speciallized in lightning fast space or aerial assault.

    - a semi building air unit that can create a lancer mech. Also is an aerial base use for firehawk upgrade station. UED ata caster. air observer.

    - powerful air unit that is equipped with multiple lasers and electro magnetic rockets.


    any comments, questions and contribution will be appreciated. ^^
    orestul likes this.
  2. Shadowdragon

    Shadowdragon New Member

    Jul 17, 2007
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    Ok, I'm confused. Is this supposed to be a mod? A campaign? A result of boredom?

    Without knowing what your trying to accomplish, it's hard to contribute or comment...
  3. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    ok just think of it as my very own game. ^^

    since there is no 4th race in sc2. or a UED race, i came up with an idea of what would a UED race would be like. ofcoures everyone is entitled to come up with their own ued units and mechanics. im just sharing my thoughts on how i think the ued could be a possible race and be different from the 3 previous race.

    and yes its a result of boredom plus being a super starcraft fans that is dreaming and aslo being creative and imaginative enough to add some thoughts and ideas and make starcraft better hopefully.
  4. Shadowdragon

    Shadowdragon New Member

    Jul 17, 2007
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    In that case, I would recommend adding a large battleship-like air unit with a large cargo hold. That would keep the theme of expansion and versatility that the UED have (along with keep the terran love of big ships). If you want to keep the mythical monster name thing, I recomend Argus or Typhon. I'm unsure about the Hamedo enforcer, because I think the UED is against personal augmentations. Maybe a battlefield engineer that uses things like nano-swarms instead?
  5. Itsmyship

    Itsmyship New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Where only cool people live... So Cal!
    Huh...all the enforcer-based tech got a bit confusing for a bit :p
    Still missing the transport unit though (Phase Prism, Dropship,etc.)
  6. CannonFodder

    CannonFodder New Member

    Feb 18, 2008
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    i really like ur idea for a UED race but i was wondering
    what 40K races did u base it on?
    it sounds like imperial guards with some space marines and the enforcers sound like arbiters
  7. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    ok i dont want to reveal everything here since this is only the alpha version. ok i may skip beta and go straight to the final version which includes all ued units with simple artworks, stats, etc. UED buildings and their functions, ued heroes, tech tree, UED building unit mechanics, UED advantages and disadvantages, and what or how the UED are IMO. its 50% complete i am only having problem with the artwork. im not a professional artist afterall. ^^

    by march i will release my final UED concept race. 8)

    @shadowdragoon. actually the shiva is a large construction and docking bay ship. you will see it in the final version.

    and thanks for the name suggestions. i like typhon, il try to fit it in coz i think its really a cool name for a UED unit. ^^

    the UED hamedo enforcer is actually an enhance version of either a zodiac or genesis enforcers.and you wil see in the final version how veterancy and this mechanics go hand in hand. ^^

    and dont worry, some of these units have cool interesting abilities. ^^

    @itsmyship. well about the enforcers. think of them as the basic infantry in battle realms, you build a building to train them into something better. yes the enforcer can be trained in a special building which turn them to either a zodiac or genesis according to your choice. the UED uses both soldier artificial enhancement and training.

    ok the enforcers sounds a bit overpowered, but actually they are not. the enforcer itself has only 40hp and cost 50 minerals only.

    IMO the ued infantires should differ much with the terran marines, and these enforcers are the elite soldies of the earth. the ued have learned their lessons from their defeat in broodwar, so this time they brought their best and powerful arsenals including these specialized traindes soldiers (enforcers) because they have no time and the space to bring massable basic infantries.

    IMO the UED should not be like the humans in other sci fi settings where they look weak and always trembles against alien species like in halo, alien movie, imperial guard in warhammer 40k etc. the terrans are the ones who are fighting for survival while the UED is the new supreme human power (like the empire in starwars ^^).

    they have the first ground vehicle transport actually... the UED bullfrog will provide mass enforcer transport as well can hold few vehicles. i will try to give them an air transport but i doubt it since it will be redundant and not unique.

    @canon fodder. thanks. they will have many drop pods deployment mechanics same as warhammer 40k's space marines which mostly are just for aesthetics. ^^
  8. CannonFodder

    CannonFodder New Member

    Feb 18, 2008
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    nice really looking forward to when you release it ;D
  9. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    lol. like it will be the real thing.

    i really hope blizzard will decide to make UED and the xelnaga as new races in starcraft, maybe in the expansion. ^^
  10. Itsmyship

    Itsmyship New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Where only cool people live... So Cal!
    Hmmm...I like the concept to all this zeratul, but won't it get somewhat expensive since you have to build an enforcer on top of making the actual unit you want to use? Or are you going for the protoss way of doing things with quality = expensive jazz?
  11. CannonFodder

    CannonFodder New Member

    Feb 18, 2008
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    @zeratul11 they probably wont add them
    at most they might have one or two units in the map maker
  12. Shadowdragon

    Shadowdragon New Member

    Jul 17, 2007
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    They may add them as a playable race they like did in The Frozen Throne expansion. In other words, playble in the campaign only.
  13. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    In your head
    I like how the units are all built up from one another. It makes them a lot more unique. Also their technology should be a LOT more advanced than the Terrans' or even the Protoss' because their expeditionary fleet was made of the "junk" of their fleet.
  14. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    heres a basic example.

    enforcer. 50 minerals 40hp. you trained them in a ground building called EES(enforcer enhancement station), a single building with 2 different enhancement cell where you can click either cell and place your enforcer. after 1-20 secs they will become either a zodiac or a genesis depending on which cell you place them. zodiac and genesis upgrades cost 75 mienrals each. so a zodiac or genesis would actually cost a total of 125 minerals.

    heres how the veterancy will be implemented to starcraft without making it imba just like in command and conqquer etc. ONLY infantries can get veterancy rankings. so they are only the enforcer, zodiac and genesis, and the firehawk(enforcer pilot). the shiva bullforg, and tiamat are commanded by UED officers, the mantis pilot can't attack anything he only drives the thing. the hamedo are the highest ranking infantry so they cannot get any upgrades after that but maybe just some ranking visuals just for military aesthetic.

    the enhancement soldier program consists of both soldies or enforcer training and biological enhancement. so when an enforcer steps into a battle field and kill something then he has already trained himself physically and mentally. so with about enough battle experience and kills this soldier will get a promoted and will be able to train to become a zodiac and genesis with less training and enhancement expense or cost.

    an enforcer will get promoted from the supply amount he kills. not the total unit kills but the total supply cost kills. example killing a zealot will get him 2 supply kills.


    5 supply kills - 1 star (no cost on upgrading to zodiac/genesis enforcer or chimera/typhon)
    8 supply kills - 2 star (no effect)
    12 supply kills - 3 star (no cost on upgrading to hamedo enforcers)
    16 supply kills - 4 star (some buffs etc. or no effect)

    trying to promote your enforcer is a hard task, if you can micro SOME very well and get lucky then you can train or upgrade them for free. not really a big deal since you can actually upgrade them instantly just for 75 minerals. but i think trying to upgrade them from actual promotion could help you save up some minerals and if you are planning to make or better mass hamedo which cost a lot (325 minerals). but massing hamedo wont be imba since they are only gtg attack units. there are many ways to promote you soldiers like microing them very well or using the bullfrog or spamming more enforcers since you need to build them anyways all the time and just be lucky to have some to get promoted.

    yes you need enforcer throughout the game, or if you want you can go staright to the firehawk since they dont have real prerequisite but only the main base upgrade. i'll try to draw my tech tree asap.

    il try to post the vehicles building mechaincs on a different post. ^^

    anyway i think im going to delete this thread anytime now so i will just make my final UED concept race. 8)

    yes they might be playable in the sc2 campaign. but im hoping in the expansion both 2 races will make it as a new races. that would be AWESOME!
  15. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Nice job, zeratul11, I'll look forward to your final release.

    I'll be honest though - I would not like to see anything like this in Starcraft. Terrans are humans, and so is your UED race. So they are in fact not actually a new race, just a different group of Terrans. You also used a mechanic I am very against for Starcraft - veterancy.

    I don't mean to be a party pooper - it does look really cool and you have neat ideas, and I could see it being in a good game. I just wouldn't want it in Starcraft II.
  16. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    thanks. dont worry maybe you'll have a change of mind if you see my final UED concept race. ^^

    dont worry about the veterancy, its a cool mechanic in any game including starcraft if place and balance well, and what better race could have them but the UED. ^^
  17. CannonFodder

    CannonFodder New Member

    Feb 18, 2008
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    i for one like the veterency idea as long as the UED were the only ones able to use it
    other that all i have to say is "nice job"
  18. stat

    stat New Member

    Jun 17, 2007
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    yes nice job. i love to see the UED as a new race in starcraft!
  19. Rgt11

    Rgt11 Guest

    What do you mean by "launch and drop vehicles deployment mechanics"?
    Cool ideas btw
  20. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    I have to say, this ideas are very interesting. The UED seems to focus on clumping together to be stronger and much like a defense oriented faction. The first thing that will really make or break this idea is mechanics. For a race that uses transportation maneuvers like these, it will be hard to synchronize with the balance of the other 3 factions.

    The results of boredom are rather surprising I say.

    The basis for this races economy and building style should be the same as terran since they are both using the same technology. If ever there would be a UED faction, it will be better for it to be an "alternative terran race to choose" with just a difference of units, strategies, and structures (Which mostly means everything)

    Maybe you can give us more detail on the units roles and abilities.