Hi, I'm posting my favorite ten ps3 games up to date (in no particular order). It's just my opinion so don't flame me. I thought I'd throw what I like out there to possibly get some suggestions on some new games or your own list of favorite ten games 1) Folklore 2) Vanquish 3) Valkyria Chronicles 4) MGS4 5) Demon's Souls 6) Little Big Planet 7) Borderlands 8) God of War 9) Dead Space 10) Final Fantasy 13 I can't wait for The Last Guardian!!!
Hahahaha, it's so true. I only recently picked up demon souls, haven't put a ton of time into it yet. It reminds me of diablo2. I'm very satisfied with the game and it's extremely addicting, but I just can't get to playing it for some reason right now. The game feels daunting, like reading dostoevsky or something. I'm sure I'll get around to it sometime, but starting school again soon isn't going to help. Damn you education. damn you to hell. Overall, I guess you could call the game difficult. Many say it's extremely hard but I don't really get that feeling while playing it. There aren't many checkpoints but if you go slow there isn't a reason to really die. Some of the opponents can be difficult since they can one shot you, but I feel like as long as you keep your shield held high and stamina up until you figure out the enemy you'll be safe in most circumstances. I've never really been disappointed by ATLUS games (love persona/shin megami series....nocturne probably my fav). The first persona drove me a little crazy due to the high amount of enemy encounters throughout the game. You had to fight all the time and without having an objective stated anywhere it could be REALLY obnoxious picking the game up a month later and not knowing what you were supposed to do, wandering all over the game, getting into countless battles, only to wind up in the wrong place. I guess that's what strategy guides are for, but I try my hardest to complete games without them.
My Favorite Ps3 Games are 1)God of War3 2)Killzone 3 3)Call of Duty 4)The Last Guardian 5)Heavy Rain 6)Gran Turismo 5 7)Demon's Souls.