My Terran Strategy

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Lechife, May 21, 2010.

My Terran Strategy

  1. Lechife

    Lechife Guest

    Hello all.

    I recently ( 4 days ago ) received my beta key for starcraft 2, and started playing right away.
    First I wasn't so sure what to do what to build I've played starcraft 1 but it was a long time ago and haven't done much with it so it feels like a fresh start.
    I'm only playing terrran at the moment but sometimes protoss (nevah zerg :p)
    In first I always tried to get a win by rushing with reapers won a couple by it but if I got countered by ranged units (stalkers etc) then tides would turn really fast and there was a big issue.
    Now im mainly focussing on late game strat and tried this new strat I haven't seen anyone use it.
    I was always a fan of the Thor massive blast cannons roar but just that wouldn't make it that far so I combined it with the pretty known Marines Marauders Mediviac strat and it worked really well (on a winning streak in 1v1 now).
    My build setup would be:
    10 SCV
    build a supply depot and when its ready your 11th scv just runs out so you have no downtime.
    Go for 2 barracks 1 with tech and the other with an reactor and start pumping out the marines and marauders.
    Get an orbital command a scout them a bit see what they got and if its not that big you can start your first harass with the marines and marauders while in the meantime you get a Factory up with tech and an armory plus starport.
    Keep them under pressure while maintaining you marines and marauders in base and build up the thors.
    Eventually if you have like 6 thors and a full squad of marines and marauders and lets say 4 mediviac you can start the first big attack.

    I've played this almost always now but can anyone tell me what cons it has?

    Thanks in advance
  2. Archangel

    Archangel New Member

    May 14, 2010
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    Depends who you play.

    Terran will kill you with tanks, toss with zealots and stalkers, zerg probably will lose, unless he can surprise you with burrowed banelings or mass mutas.

    The thing is you just picked the most simple but most effective tactic in this game. Of course it works, and it because it works so well there are so many complaints around the net about it.

    For better opponents you also need 2 ghosts to emp templars and couple of Vikings for Broodlords.
  3. soulsimon

    soulsimon Guest

    more medivacs would be good.And as said vikings too.
  4. aem1

    aem1 New Member

    Jul 21, 2008
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    that depends if your opponent allows you for turtle for that long.....
  5. UndyingLego

    UndyingLego New Member

    May 19, 2010
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    If I remember correctly, he said he harassed the guy while building up his forces.

    Either way...Its a good strategy and make sure you keep up the harassment throughout the entire game (no matter who you're playing). This way they can't build a sizeable counter.
  6. dcoetzee

    dcoetzee Member

    May 20, 2010
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    With Zerg you also have to watch out for them infesting your Thors - the best way to prevent this is to destroy the infestation pit when you harass, and make sure you focus down any infestors quickly.
  7. Lechife

    Lechife Guest

    First I was always trying to win in a rush but you're in a real weak position if you lose that one, so mostly im always building up for the ''big'' fight and try to counter my opponents in my base.
    For the harassing I think I should build another Barracks for the (most likely) reapers.

    I''ll try to work more on my microing I still find that part hard, fighting on the battlefield and maintaining your Base at the same time.